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Alyssa pov
Finn randomly ran up to me. I was at this really romantic park with with Wyatt. " A-ALYS... ALYSSA" Finn yelled while he was out of breath. "umm hi?" I replied with question. "do you know who Noah schnapp is?". "yes" what's going on?!
F- "he left a note.. and it said If i have any questions ask you.."
A- "ask me about what?"
  He handed me a note. I started to cry a little
F- "he killed himself! The man at the party, that was Noah's dad. And jack apparently made Noah kill himself". I already knew who the man was. Me and Noah were very close... and we still are.
Finns Pov
Alyssa started crying even more. Wyatt was confused af right now. "why?" she asked.
"ok I told you enough already, can we talk about this later because I really need you guys to make my mind get off this? " I said. I ran to her because I needed to ask questions but Wyatt was there and I really couldn't think of anything to ask at the time.
( nothing else happen besides us talking about life )
4:23 am
We all started  walking around the town  because we got bored. We found Millie and Jack sitting on a bench together a few blocks away from wear the party was. ( j-jack f-Finn)
J- " what are you guys doing?"
F-" we were just hanging out.. and you? "
J- " talking.."
F- " ok."
It was really awkward because we didn't know what to do. We stood there for about 3 minutes until jack broke the silence. ( M- Millie J-jack F-Finn )
J- "I know your cheating on me!"
F- "what the hell jack?! I would never cheat on you!"
J- "Noah told me EVERYTHING!!"
I started to cry
F- "that's not possible jack.."
J-"he texted me last a few hours ago!"
This is not possible! Noah is dead, and I never cheated on jack! I am not that type of guy!
J-"but I am over it. We are over. I already have a new girlfriend!"
J-"ya! In fact we have been dating for a few days!"
F-"WHO?! Who is your ' girlfriend?!"
J-"Ellie. Ellie Hiyar"
F-"no jack.. you hate her. She's a slut and a bit mental! Does she know you're ' dating ' her?"
J-"yes Finn! GOD your so dumb! And she's not a slut. You know you're a man-whore! Who wanted to play with my feelings!"
F-"jack.. this isn't you! Also, I thought you were gay!"
F-"Millie did you know about this? "
M-"umm.. he just told me while we were on the bench.."
we had been silent for a few seconds til..
hey guys sorry for the long wait but I finally did it! Prolly gunna update tonight or tomorrow! ~ Emma💗

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