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I finally get to leave the hospital. It's been two days since Finn talked to me. "Jack Dylan Grazer! It's been a blast with you but I'm happy to let you go! Be careful!" Doctor Andrewz spoke. "Let's go Jackie" my mom said grabbing my arm, with a soft, comforting voice. We both said thank you to the doctors and stepped into my dads car. My family only contains of me, my mom and my dad. My mother is a caring wonderful woman. She has brown hair and some wrinkles on her face probably from me and my dad. Me and my mom have always been close. I'm glad to say that's one of the things that seem to be real from "wild dreams" Finn likes to call. Although my dad has always been hard on me. He doesn't know I'm gay, either does my mother, but I feel like if I tell my dad wouldn't accept me. Timothy Cooker a 19 year old male on my street came out to everyone 2 years ago and my dad went on and on about it. At the time I wasn't 100% I'm gay but I knew. After hearing it was "not right" and "shouldn't be accepted" from my dad... it broke me. To get put down by a parent really breaks you. And you usually don't get put back together. It's something that is always in the back of your mind. To this day it is still the same with my dad. I don't think it will ever change.
We got home at 6:47. I laid on my bed. Oh my beautiful bed! I closed my eyes, then opening them to a buzzing sound from my phone. Finn!!!
-hey wanna go at 8:00pm tonight? I'll pick you up by walking. ~Finn
I waited 2 minutes before answering so I don't look too clingy.
-sound great! ~ me
Hey!!! This is kind of short but I have been busy like always. I hope everyone's Easter, or April 1st went well. Comment your opinions on the story please bc I love having feed back. Also I want to write a story that's not a fanfic. I don't know if people will like it though. Anyways love you all! ~ya gurl Emma💕🍇

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