Ice cream date

791 16 25

Finn POV
I walked over to jacks house and I arrived at 8:00pm just like I  promised. He walked out of his house with a yellow sweatshirt and black jeans with a few rips in them. He looked attractive. I couldn't say the same for myself. My hair was a mess and I just threw on a red shirt and blue jeans that have been on my floor for a few days. I've been in a slump since I broke up with Noah. I didn't mind the thought of me and jack maybe being a thing but I'm still not over Noah, even though I broke up with him. As me and Noah started dating I realized he was so sweet and kind. It doesn't seem like it to others but know one knows him like i do, or did. Before we dated he kinda got around if you know what I mean. Since he's bi sexual most gay boys and straight girls we all over him. I feel like he just got so caught up in his reputation that he forgot who he is. He's really a softy once you get to know him like I did. When he was beating up jack I knew he didn't want to but there was a crowed circling them and I guess he felt pressured.
"Hey" I said as he walked down his driveway.
"Hi" he added with bright energy in his voice.
We started to catch up, talking about school and other random things.
"Can I ask you something?" Jack asked. I could hear his voice shake a bit.
I nodded and he began to speak.
"Why did you break up with Noah?" He questioned all innocent.
The last thing I wanted was for Noah to be brought up tonight. Although I don't blame him for asking. If I was in his shoes I would be asking as well.
"I knew he could be a big douche before but when he went physical I couldn't be with him any longer" I simply answered looking down, avoiding eye contact with jack.
     Thinking of Noah and how I still love him made me tear up a bit. It was dead silent as I was trying to hide my current emotions from jack but he noticed. A few seconds past and jack hugged me tight as I do the same. I really needed that and I think jack knew that.
Jack POV
I knew Finn wasn't in a good spot right now. Even though I had strong feelings for him I couldn't make any sort or move or anything remotely close since he clearly still loved Noah. I'm not hurt by it. He loves who he loves.
We got to the ice cream parlour. Me and Finn walked up to order.
"Hi can I get 2 scoops of mint chip in a waffle cone... what do you want" Finn asked looking at me, waiting for a reply. He looked so perfect. His brown eyes were so beautiful and I got lost in them. I had noticed what was going on and answered.
"Uhm... I'll have the same thing only with cookie dough please" I added.
"Together or separately?" The cashier asked.
Before I could respond Finn replied with "together" as he pulls out his wallet.
"Oh you don't have to" I spoke.
"Nah it's my treat" he added with a smirk on his cute face.
No jack you can't do this!!!
We got our ice cream and sat down. We talked for about an hour eating out ice cream.
"Holy! It's almost 9:30 we should get going" I say letting out a chuckle.
We leave the ice cream place and start walking. I knew my parent weren't awake because they're old and lame, not that it matters. We get to the end of my driveway and stop to say our goodbyes.
"I had a great time Finn, thanks for everything" I said with a smile on my face. Finn didn't answer. He kinda seemed spaced out.
"Finn?" I add with a sense of question in my voice.
Finn leans in to kiss me. Our lips crash together with passion. Of course I kiss back. He puts his hands on my waist as my hands go around his neck. The make out was getting a bit heated until I heard a familiar voice and stopped.
Oh shit...

Hey guys sorry it's been a long time but I really didn't feel like writing another update of this mainly because I'm not feeling it anymore. I was extremely passionate about the it cast when I stared but now not so much. If you want me to keep writing leave a comment saying so!!! :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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