The silver night (7/12)

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 "Let's change a place," said Mephiles and a big swirl of black mass engulfed them. It took only a few seconds and when it was gone, Galahad found out he actually pressed himself against Mephiles' chest like a girl would do. He blushed, making a quick step back, drilling his eyes into the ground. He winked, looking around.

"The garden?"

They were standing in the middle of a glade, the sky turned to night tone, and an illusion of moon and starts was above them. From the grass soared the fireflies he brought here.

Mephiles offered him a hand. "Shall we dance?"

Galahad glanced from the hand to Mephiles, seeing his clothes has been transformed into a noble suit. With a hesitation, he accepted his hand. As they danced the waltz, he noticed his eyes are at the height of his mouth. He rather stared down at his feet, noticing he is good dancer despite those stubby feet.

"Why... aren't you laughing?" asked the shy knight. "It's not normal for a knight to wear a dress." It still bugged him.

"I understand you humans have a complex dress code, but I do not care. Just wear what you wish to wear. Be yourself," he simply answered.

A little blush appeared on knight's face. He didn't want for a silence to be between them so he kept asking: "Why is this garden here? Isn't this place inside of a cave?"

"Yes it is, but I transformed it. This is actually an old volcano, it's no longer active tho. At first, I used only the hot springs located a bit more underground. As the time went, I noticed there is a huge source of natural magic.

I think I was bored, so played with it a bit, realizing plants can grow here if they are provided all they need. I supposed I took it as one of my experiments to fill my free time. I was always curious about many things."

"So... that willow tree... I have never seen it before," he glanced at him, but seeing Mephiles is watching him, he rather looked down.

"Yes, it's my own creation. It took me a century to make it sprout blossoms. I have planted here more seeds, but none of the trees are that big yet as the one you have seen."

"They must be still beautiful."

Galahad was thinking about next question when Mephiles overtook him. "Tell me, how did you find me?"

The knight blushed... not knowing why. "That... you know... how we met..."

"Ah, the tree cutting," he had playful tone suggesting he is teasing him a bit.

"Well, I actually cut a tip of your quill crystal too, so... I have this strange power where I can grab things and move with them." Mephiles nodded, remembering the dagger sword that flew at him. "I used it on that piece. I thought you may have a magic inside of you and if so, I can find you by concentrating my power to see the magic veins."

"Hmm... that's interesting and clever."

Galahad lifted his head. "You... how are you talking?"

Mephiles stopped to dance, letting him go. He looked bit unsure, but it was quickly hidden. "Just like you."

"But you don't have a mouth," disagreed the knight.

"I have it, I just learned to talk without opening it, that's all."


Mephiles made a step back. "That's not important."

"Please, show me," he made a step forward.

Mephiles was fidgeting a bit. "There... isn't anything interesting."

"I won't laugh or anything."

Mephiles was looking into his eyes, before giving in. "Alright, but just this once." Galahad nodded, clenching his fists in front of his chest. It gave him such innocently eager expression it was hard to resist. The crystalline hedgehog sighed and he slowly started to open his mouth.

Or more... it looked like the mouth is getting ripped right thru the meat. Its lips were torn-like... like it was cut by dull blade bit by bit. Inside was green forked tongue and the teeth... all of them were sharp, ready to sink into the meat. Mephiles noticed Galahad's expression, reading an uneasiness.

He wanted to quickly close it, when Galahad pressed his lips on his own, taking him by surprise. It wasn't proper kiss... more like pressing mouth to mouth. The knight hugged him and dark hedgehog returned it. They stayed like this for a minute or so, before letting go.

"Why did you do it?" asked Mephiles and Galahad leaped back, scared of his creepier sounding voice. It was deeper and even threatening. He quickly closed his mouth, tightly sealing it. "I'm sorry, I forgot how my voice sounds when it's not muffled."

"I should apologize instead."

Mephiles petted his head. "It's alright." They turned their attention to fireflies, watching them. "Do you know how is your power called?" asked him the crystalline hedgehog.

"A sacred power?" he shrugged his shoulders. "That's how it was always called by my teachers."

"Hmm, I may have a book about it."

"Really?" His eyes turned so bright and big.

"Yes, it's a diary of one man. I think he was having a similar ability, like you. He called it psychokinesis."

"Can I see that book?"

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