The Crossing (1/16)

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"What do you mean? Do you know my dad?"

Mephiles nodded and silently explained him, how they met. Galahad was terrified. "I'm sorry. I never told you... but... my time was up... I expected death... not another chance to live."

"So you mean...?"

"Yes, I can't get close to him unless I have a death wish."

Galahad was silent, clenching his fists placed on his knees. "I'll talk with him." He stood up. "I'm sure he will be able to move past it if you apologize. He was always a wise man." He knelt down, holding his lover's hands.

Mephiles looked away and then he nodded. "Alright. I do owe him an apology."

"Good, I'll prepare our things. Then we can go." He ran to do so.

Mephiles shivered, touching his belly. He knew this is a bad idea, but he wanted to give it a shot since his lover... was so positive about it.

[** A few days later – Eclipse's house **]

He was tending the small field, when Lancelot came closer, kissing him on the cheek. "How has been my favorite thief?"

"Good, I'm almost done. This year we have a rich crop of carrots," he winked at him and the knight had a sour face.

"As long it's accompanied by meat, I'm fine."

They chuckled. Their children were in the forest with Moriana, learning about herbs and mushrooms.

"How it went with the thief band?"

"We were able to capture most of the members."

"That's good to hear. I was worried they may come here too."

"No, this place is far from their position, but I understand your worries."

"Father!" called male voice, and they started to look around. Then Lancelot looked above, seeing silver hedgehog landing at the edge of the field.

"Galahad?!" Lancelot walked towards him. "It's good to see you, my son." Eclipse jerked, closely following his husband. "I have got the letter about your graduation. I'm proud of you, but why did you postpone your visit? Did something happened along the way?" They shook their hands.

"Lance, why did you call him 'my son'?" asked Eclipse, looking a bit suspicious at him.

Lancelot cleared his throat. "Eclipse, this is my first son. My first wife, let she feels at ease in the heavens, gifted him to me shortly after our marriage."

"Oh, I see, I'm sorry for my rudeness," Eclipse stepped forward and more closely to Lancelot, whose face turned stiff... like he was in a pain. Eclipse offered his hand. "It's nice to meet you, please, excuse my tattered clothes, I had no idea we will have such noble guest."

Galahad gladly accepted his hand. "I apologize for my unannounced arrival. Don't be bothered by it, you look beautiful, lady... ehm sir."

"Just call me Eclipse," he friendly waved. "How long you plan to stay? Let me offer you a cup of tea." He gently guided him inside the house, while making a quick angry glance on his husband.

Lancelot was rubbing his backside. Eclipse pinched him and twisted it, causing him even more pain. He knew why... He actually never mentioned he had a child from previous marriage. Eclipse was forgiving but could bite when he felt the enough is enough. He followed them, knowing sitting will be painful for the rest of the day.

They had all the time for themselves, for their kids were supposed to spend a night at Moriana's house. Eclipse quickly prepared a light meal, offering meat, few types of fruits and nuts and vegetables. Especially the vegetable was present on Lancelot's plate. He was sour, knowing he will be seeing this for few days. He still decided not to comment it, mentally preparing his stomach for it. And Eclipse was sitting next to him so he could easily pinch him if he tried to avoid it.

During the meal, they talked about Galahad's school, journey and about them as well. Lancelot added stories from the castle, explaining to his son how he will get there to get a post. During that time Eclipse noticed Galahad being a bit nervous. He thought it's because he will be meeting other legendary knights and the king himself. He made mental note to ensure him a king is a kind person who will help him.

"So..." started ebony hedgehog his question, "have you met some nice lady?" It was obvious he expected from his son to give him a grandchild or at least to be in a relationship.

Galahad was fidgeting. "Well, I do have someone I love," his voice was unsure and kind of weak.

"That's fantastic," encouraged him Eclipse.

"Who is it?" asked Lancelot. "Is it someone you have met during your training days?"

"No, I have met this person after it... when I was returning home." He tried to avoid his father's gaze.

"So you know her for few weeks at most!" barked bit the ebony hedgehog. "How can you know she is your love then?"

Galahad frowned a little. "I know because we were born for each other." This time he sounded confident.

"If it's so good," Lancelot was slightly growling, feeling his son is hiding something from him, "why are you beating around the bush?"

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