The Crossing (2/16)

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Eclipse nudged him a bit, implying he is pressing too hard. His husband ignored it. He had no intention to let his son to be deceived by some fox lady to gain wealth.

Galahad took few deep breaths, before answering: "You don't need to worry. This person isn't after my wealth or position. Neither of it has any meaning for him."

"Him?" barked Lancelot, almost jumping to his feet. The sweat sparkled on his forehead. He would never expect his son to take a man!

"He is herm, just like your... um... partner," he quickly glanced at Eclipse, trying to figure if calling him wife would make him angry. The other one only gently smiled, understanding he had no ill intention. Lancelot was clenching his fist... having a really bad feeling. "This person's name is... Mephiles."

"Are you out of your mind!!" Lancelot burst, standing up and Galahad leaped back, getting out of his reach.

"No, father listen to me. It's not how you think!" He took a defensive posture.

"I know how it is!" Lancelot was hardly noticing Eclipse holding him by the waist. "He just used you to take revenge on us! Where is he?! This time I'll finish him!"

"You don't understand!! He means no harm!"

"No harm?! Do you have any idea what he has done?!" Lancelot was fuming.

"I know, he has told me and he is really sorry. He wishes to apologize!"

"He is just telling you lies!" Lancelot shook Eclipse down, grabbing Galahad by his chest fur. "Now tell me, where is he?!"

"No!" Galahad punched him in the face, getting free and pushing his father back. "I won't let anyone hurt them. Not even you!!"

Lancelot felt his knees went a bit weak for a second. "Them? Did you just say them?!" He clenched his teeth.

"Yes! We're expecting a child."

Lancelot was seeing red. "Galahad!!" He leaped at him, but his body froze in the midair. He jerked, understanding his son was using his unique power against him... sending him out of the house... right into carrots. He quickly stood up, seeing his son flying away. He roared, heading back to the house to get his sword.

Before he could grab it, he was approached by Eclipse, who deep kissed him, clenching his quills to keep him close. Lancelot struggled, trying to shake him off, but he had no chance. He never noticed his physical strength could be so big. When Eclipse broke the kiss, he gasped: "What are you doing?"

"Moving the heat from your head to crotch," he answered looking into his eyes.

"What? We don't have time for this! I have to stop him!" He tried to move Eclipse's hands down.

"If I let you go, you will only end up murdering someone."

"But that's the point! If I don't end Mephiles now he will brainwash Galahad! I can't have that!" He was still struggling with Eclipse's iron grip. "He is too young! He has no idea what the love is!"

"And what do you think my idea was, Lancelot?!" he barked back, letting him go, resulting in Lancelot making a few wobbly steps back. He was confused. Eclipse... he always called him Lance.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how our beginning was so romantic. We were wearing dazzling clothes, there was sunset right behind us," Eclipse turned away with hands folded behind his back, "We exchanged gentle kisses and touches we both enjoyed. And the food was the tastiest one I ever had," he quickly turned back, seeing his husband to not understand.

"Oh, right," he looked a bit impish. "I forgot, it was actually half-rape in dump dungeon with bread and water for three times a day. How's that for a romantic start?" There was hardly a chance to miss the sarcasm.

"What are you trying to imply?" Lancelot waved his hands in angry and frustrated manner.

The Thieving knight (Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें