The Crossing (13/16)

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[** Sometime later **]

They returned from the forest bringing baskets full of mushrooms. There will be fried mushrooms for lunch and they loved them. They ran into the house, finding Aalis in the kitchen slowly preparing the lunch by peeling the potatoes. Their eyes met and Aalis quickly averted her sight.

"Hey, sis..." they called her in unison, startling each other.

"What?" Aalis twitched.

"Did I pick good ones?" Amyce showed her basket.

"What about me?" Magnus put his own next to the first one.

Aalis' lower lip was trembling. There was no fear in their eyes. "Let... Let me check it," she put down the potato, quickly wiped a small tear in her eye before picking the first piece. "This is boletus, this one too, you have got a lot of parasol mushrooms. Hmm, I see you found few chanterelles too." She was putting them on the table, gathering them in groups. "The oyster mushroom... there is so much of it. You must have found a gold mine!"

"Yeah, mom showed us his secret places."

"It was fun."

They continued to chat, while Eclipse was smiling. He was glad the children were happy. He as well noticed Mephiles sitting outside by the back door. He was talking with Galahad. Eclipse came closer, listening to a bit.

"She asked you to teach her?"

Mephiles nodded. "Yes, she even called me uncle... What actually means uncle? I'm sure I heard it before, but I just can't remember, all I know it made me happy."

"Uncle is how child calls their parent's brother. It can be used for middle-aged man as friendly salutation as well."

"I see." His face softened. "I guess that's the best I can get. I don't deserve to be called her father."

"But she is slowly accepting you as part of the family," said Eclipse appearing in the door. They looked at him surprised. "Sorry, I kinda eavesdrop." They nodded. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will be able to connect with your daughter more. You both just need time."

[** Before the lunch **]

Lancelot returned just in time for the midday meal. To everyone's surprise, he came with a big backpack. It looked like it will burst any minute. Amyce and Magnus for the first time noticed Mephiles is in the house and they were naturally scared of him. Eclipse calmed them down, ensuring them he means no harm.

Of course, they refused to get closer to him, but they still had curiosity in their eyes. They often whispered to each other about him. During the lunch, that was a bit crowded as Moriana joined them as well, they conversed about various things. Children were mostly quiet, only here and there checking their demonic guest.

After it, Lancelot gestured Galahad to come with him. They walked into the shed, where Lancelot put the big backpack.

"Father, I want to apologize for my early—huh?" his words were muffled by a soft package landing on his face.

"Try this on," he father said without hinting if he is angry or not.

Galahad quickly opened the package. There he found clothes and he quickly understood they are for a man, but their shape was different. After a lot of struggling and his father helping him to adjust it, he was finally clothed. He felt strangely... light. He couldn't resist the urge to run outside squealing like a girl.

"Father! What is this?!" he jumped, feeling the clothes to flutter behind him. The trousers legs were wide and sleeves were too, only three-quarter of the opening was sewed creating sleeve-pocket. "It feels amazing!"

Everyone from the house looked outside, wondering why is Galahad so loud. When they saw him running they couldn't help but smile and came closer.

"What are those clothes?" asked Moriana.

"I don't know, father bought them for me," he happily answered, panting and all red in the face.

"They suit you," silently said Mephiles.

"Those are clothes foreign knights wear in far away country to the east," answered that question, Lancelot.

"Is that a skirt?" asked Amyce.

"Can't you see those are trousers," noted Magnus.

"It's called... Hmmm... How was he... hakami? I think the vendor called it that way."

Eclipse moved to stand next to him. "I told you, you are a sweet man."

The Thieving knight (Book 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें