The silver night (8/12)

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 "Of course," he led him to the library entrance that was hidden beneath the rubble. Galahad had no problem in removing it, clearing the way.

"Wau..." he looked around seeing endless walls full of books. "There must be the knowledge of the whole world."

Mephiles looked proud. "Maybe not, but there is a lot of it." He walked to the ladder, moving it with ease and getting the book for this adorable knight.

He opened it, instantly reading from the beginning. It truly was a diary. The man was in his thirties when he noticed it. He isolated himself in a fear people may hunt him for it, but he hasn't given up on discovering what he can do.

Galahad was turning one page after another, not knowing how much time has passed. Mephiles was sitting next to him, watching his face and how his nose is cringing when he was thinking. He found it cute. When the young knight closed the book, he let out a long sigh.

He looked at Mephiles. He could tell from his eyes he is slightly smiling. Galahad's stomach growled and then he tightened his buttocks. "Just a sec!" He ran outside to empty himself. Once he was relieved he noticed the real moon. "Is it a midnight?" he checked his shadow to be in its shortest.

"Yes, I suppose it is," confirmed it Mephiles walking out the door leading to the library.

"I'm sorry, I was just reading the whole time." He felt really stupid.

"It's alright, I don't mind." The grumbling was again heard. Mephiles chuckled a bit. "Let's get you something light to eat." They walked into the supply room and Mephiles prepared a fruit salad accompanied by an orange juice.

"It's so delicious!" exclaimed the young knight. "I never tasted something so tasty!" he picked a strawberry, feeling its sweetness. "You won't eat?" He asked puzzled as he realized he hasn't seen him do so.

"I have no need for it. I'm just fine with absorbing magic from the environment." Mephiles was sitting next to him.

"Is it tasty? The magic," he took another bite.

"Tasty? ... Hmm..." he pondered. "I don't think so. It just fills me up."

"So want to try this salad? It's really good!" he offered him a spoon full of strawberry, blueberry, and banana.

Mephiles was hesitating for a bit before he again opened his mouth taking the bite. He chewed it, before yelping: "So good!" He chewed it even faster. "I knew you humans are eating food, but I never thought about tasting it."

"How so?" Galahad took another bite. "You are good at cooking. You must have tasted your creations, just like any chef."

He thought. "Yes, I suppose, but I used my magic all the time to ensure the ingredients are in the right amount and I actually cared more about the visual result. Tasting it... it never crossed my mind." He glanced at the bowl and Galahad gladly offered him another bite.

"Say..." Mephiles started after there was just one spoon of the fruits. "Why did you kiss me? Shouldn't my mouth be scary?" He repeated his previously unanswered question.

The young knight blushed. "I... Well, it looked... intimidating with those sharp teeth and the tongue... but... at that moment..." he pressed the spoon more. "I just could think only about how sad and lonely you looked." He glanced at him. "And that kiss... kind of happened... I wasn't thinking... sorry..."

"No," he leaned towards to him. "It was sweet... sweeter than this fruit salad..." He got closer to his face. Galahad kept his back straight and he didn't try to avoid him when he pressed his sealed lips on his own. The touch was gentle and Galahad tried to mimic the way Mephiles was kissing him. They kept kissing for a while and the silver hedgehog just felt super hot in his face from all the blushing. When Mephiles stopped, he said: "Let's go to the sleep. You must be tired."

Galahad nodded, but inside... he wanted to keep going. The dark hedgehog used his power to transport them under the willow tree. The knight took off his dress, revealing his muscular figure. The Crystallian touched his back with his index finger, slowly sliding down to his tail.

Galahad was shivering, feeling an electricity to run thru his whole body. He leaned over his body, hugging him from behind, feeling a tension to build up. "Do you think..." he whispered right into his ear. "... we could do something before sleeping?"

The silver hedgehog shivered, placing his hands on his. "Yes," he whispered.

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