The Crossing (9/16)

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[** Back to Lancelot **]

Lancelot put his palm over his mouth, partly hiding it in pondering manner. He had a hard time to swallow his first son is his enemy's lover. "What do you want?" he barked. His patience was running short.

"What I want...?" Mephiles repeated his question. "I... I..." Suddenly a ripped mouth appeared on his face and Lancelot jerked, feeling pressure on his body. "I don't know!!" his voice was crushing him, but the feeling was gone, since he closed his mouth, sliding to his bottom. "I don't know!" he repeated, realizing he again showed his mouth.

"Did it scare you?" Mephiles wasn't waiting for an answer. "He saw it... yet... he kissed me... He said I look lonely and sad... He bought fireflies to cheer me up... He talked with me... He was with me..." He started to cry crimson tears. "I have never met someone... who didn't see a monster in me. Dang it," he muttered his next cursing.

Lancelot was observing him, not sure how to react. How could a demonic knight change so much? Is it even possible? He remembered Eclipse's words... maybe he could give him a chance... and he won't be open with it of course. There is an image he has to keep.

"Tell me... how many Crystallians are there?" he was going to use this opportunity to the fullest.

"I'm... not sure... I'm from the second generation."

"So... what about your parents?"

He shook head. "They are dead and I haven't met any other. Either I'm the only one remaining or they are in hiding. I don't think such individuals would like to group together. I was never looking for a company either."

He had a point. Their personalities were too strong and they would surely clash all the time. A cold breeze touched him, giving him shivers. "Let's go back," said Lancelot and he waited for Mephiles to stand up before going.

[** A few moments later **]

Galahad... he was so nervous he already tracked out an inch deep circle in the ground. He even changed into a dress in the hope it will calm him down, but it was no use. He was still so nervous. At one point he had a feeling he heard a roar... It made him super worried. When he saw his father to come from the forest his heart skipped the beat and a huge burden fell off his shoulders when he glanced Mephiles.

He flew towards him with tears in his eyes, tightly hugging him, rubbing his cheek against his own. "A-Ah?!" he exclaimed when a strong arm pulled him away. It was his father. "Don't worry!" he waved his hands. "I'll be okay... I guess." Now Mephiles was really worried.

After a short distance, Lancelot threw him in front of himself, which resulted in fluttering skirt and Galahad's girly attempt to hold it down. He landed, looking at his father who was checking his clothes, before putting his hand over his face and slightly tapping his finger against the forehead. "Tell me... why are you wearing a dress? You are a knight! Heck, you are a man!"

Galahad bit his lip a bit. "Because I like it, that's why."

"How that makes sense?" His hands made a wide circle.

"It may not, but... I feel a lot better in a dress then in an armor. That's the truth." He took a deep breath. "I hate being a knight... I hate weapons and all the violence." He connected his hands, resting them on his skirt just like a girl would do. "I think I may have been a woman in my previous life and that feeling stayed even after the rebirth." He told him about his school life, how he was bullied, forced into wearing the maid dress and how he found one in Mephiles' home.

Lancelot pressed the root of his nose.

"Father, I respect you, I really do. I swear I won't bring a shame upon you..." he jerked a bit, "more than I already did. I know I have greatly disappointed you, but please, Mephiles isn't a bad person. I as well though he is evil, but he isn't! Give him a chance to prove it. I'll do anything you want!" Galahad clenched his fists, putting one in front of his chest, but Lancelot said nothing. He only walked back to the house, seeing Eclipse and Aalis on the other side. 

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