The Crossing (14/16)

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Lancelot felt slight blush on his face. "I bought more of them." He went into the shed, putting the backpack outside and in it were numerous clothes. He actually picked one for each and took a few more as spares. Everyone had a lot of fun trying them. Eclipse especially loved the one called kimono. His own was decorated with flowers and river. Magnus had one with tall mountain circled by fog and pink petals in the air.

Aalis found one with waterlilies and Amyce loved the one with blooming forest. Lancelot picked one with a lot more decent decor having a just simple hexagonal pattern around the edges of the clothes. Moriana tried those spares as she loved the red color and this one had a lot of it on crimson flowers she never saw before.

There was kimono for Galahad as well and when others looked around to see how he looks, he wasn't nearby. They just heard silent arguing from Mephiles who was pushed forward wearing one too. This one had unusual decor showing winter-like flowers on the glass on dark purple cloth. Galahad had a similar style but in more blue shades.

Everyone had to agree they look good in those and before they noticed it was almost a night time.

"We should leave," suggested Mephiles knowing they were allowed to stay only over one night.

"But it's such a late hour," argued Eclipse.

"I have already bothered your family for long enough," noted the dark knight.

Amyce and Magnus hid behind their mom as they remembered this man actually tried to kill them. With all the fun with those clothes, they forgot about him.

Lancelot thought for a bit before speaking: "How long till the birth?"

"About two weeks, at most three." Mephiles glanced at him.

"I see," he was pondering a bit more, feeling his wife's curious look. "If no one here has any objections you may stay here until that time. I don't suppose you have anyone who can help with the delivery."

Galahad gasped and his lover was equally shocked.

"You mean they can stay?" asked Eclipse to be sure.

"Only if no one is against it."

Mephiles couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't stop himself from checking everyone's face.

The first to voice the opinion was Aalis. "I don't mind unless he hurts us."

Eclipse looked at the children behind him. They looked scared. "Sir Mephiles was here since yesterday and he hasn't hurt anyone. Can you give him a chance? Like that mushroom?"

The children looked at each other, before giving a silent nod.

"I don't have a problem with it," agreed Eclipse.

"I can tolerate you," added Lancelot frowning.

Moriana was the last one and her choice will determinate the outcome. She sighed. "Man, this looked like a fine day." She checked Mephiles. "I'm still not convinced, but if Lancelot here is giving you a chance, I'll comply."

"T-Thank you!" Galahad bowed and Mephiles did so as well.

"Now we have to figure out where you will sleep," pondered Eclipse.

"I think I have a solution for it," said Lancelot burrowing into the backpack, dragging out a white roll. "I thought having a spare bed may be a good idea, so I was introduced to this... futon, I guess?" He brought it into the house, spreading it in the living room. "It's a soft folding bed, you can just roll it and put it somewhere. It saves space and this one is for up to three people big."

Amyce and Magnus were the first one to lay on it. "It's soft! Can I sleep on it?"

"Yeah, Aalis can fit in too!" added Magnus.

Since it was decided, they arranged few things. The futon was placed in parent's room and the children put their pillows and blankets there. Galahad and Mephiles remained in children's room. Moriana got a temporal bed in the living room. Before the sleep time, Aalis glanced at Mephiles but said nothing.

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