t w e n t y e i g h t

464 14 30

I woke up to muffled voices coming from outside my warm bunk.

And that's when it hit me.

The soar and scratchy throat and the headache. The absolute last thing I need today.

I lay there for a second, gathering the energy to jump out of my bunk. As soon as I do so, I am greeted by Esther sitting on a couch in the kitchen area.

"You don't look very good," Esther mutters.

"I feel like death," I state bluntly.

"You look like death. What's up?" She sighs.

"Soar throat and headache, among other things."

"Well... Mitch used up the last of the ibuprofen two nights ago. I'm also out of Advil. I have coughdrops.. I don't know how much these'll help..." she begins, pulling out the package.

"They'll probably help your throat.." she trails off again. "They're Vitamin C. That never hurts, I guess."

I take the bag and pull three out, unwrapping them all and throwing them in my mouth.

"I think I have tea? Kevin's given up on being healthy so we don't really buy it as much.."

"Found it!"

After a couple minutes, Esther hands me a cup of tea.

"Drink that..."

"Are we stopping anywhere today? I should probably go to a doctor.. I know we have a show tonight. That'll suck."

"Well it's 7 right now... we'll probably stop in about 6 hours?"

"I'll find an Urgent Care then, I guess."

"I can do it. You need to rest."

"It's literally just researching Urgent Care's.."


After a little while, Kevin comes out of his bunk as well.

"Morning, Kirst.." he says, looking at me. I do anything and everything possible to avoid being up this early, usually.

"You might wanna stay away from her," Esther whispers from the phone. She insisted on calling the nearest Urgent Care to our hotel and making sure they wouldn't take anyone in at the time we get there.

'She's Pentatonix and she's important' was her reason why.

"Uh-oh, are you sick?"

I nod my head yes. It's probably best I talk as little as possible.

"Headache and sore throat," Esther whispers for me again.

"Yes? Hello! I was told to be put on hold?" She finally pipes up in her 'I'm a professional adult who definitely doesn't mess around like three-year-olds with this group I manage' voice.

"I'm calling because I manage the group Pentatonix and our most important member is sick!"

So I'm not the most important member when I'm healthy, but when I'm sick I will ruin the group. It's only a slight exaggeration.

You know the quote about the weakest link.

"Kirstin Maldonado."

After a few more minutes, Avi comes out form his bunk as well. Maybe Esther is being a little loud.

"What's up?" He asks worriedly.

"No- Kirstin. Kir. Stin. Say it with me now, Kirstin. I said say it! Kir-stin. Yes, there you go. One more time. Kirstin Maldonado. Do I need to spell it?"

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