Chapter 5. Looks like Our Baby?

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Gon's Pov

I looked at the baby who was sleeping, with quiet little snores and breathing tiny breaths. The name suits him.

Izuku Midoriya.

"Who wants to hold him?" Inko asked.

I took a small glance at Killua and he just shrugged. "l'll hold him." She put the small innocent baby into Killua's arms and held him firmly. A sudden realization came into mind, the baby looks like the both us combined. Fluffy hair like Killua's and the color of my hair with black and a bit of green on the ends. I can feel my face heating up a bit and smiled faintly. Pretending nothing is wrong.

Would our baby look like this if it was possible? Probably.

I wonder if Killua noticed that yet. Didn't really see a reaction or any weird movement of holding the baby with a gentle look in the eyes of the sky on a clear sunny day. So I guess that's a no, I'll probably tell Killua that when he leaves and see his reaction. Or should I tell him when we are alone? Have to wait and see if he catches it.

"Aww that's so cute. Can I take a picture of you two with the baby?" Mito said happily, while taking out her phone to take a picture. "Sure, that's fine." I responded kindly. Killua just nodded with a tint of pink on his pale cheeks.

So cute.

I stood slightly behind Killua with arms  on both sides, standing like a soldier, with my head slightly over his shoulder to see the baby. I assume that he was also staring. So curious of his face looks and I don't think he knows that Im hovering over his shoulder.

I just have the urge to wrap my arms around his lower torso but I held it back and stood normal.

"Thank you, you guys are adorable."

"They surely are." Inko said as a response. She leaned in closer to Mito-sans ear and whispering something to her Mito gasp with wide eyes and covered her mouth with her one hand. Both of us tilted our head in confusion. What was that about?

Inko back away, having an innocent smile on her face and looked at us.

"Well, we must get going to do our business. The to do list and items that you need are on the table. He is behaved and doesn't cry very much. Unless, of when he's hungry. Ta ta." Inko said while walking towards the door with Mito following behind.

"Good luck Killua and Gon." She waved and left the house only leaving only the three of us alone in awkward silence.

God, I hate the silence so much. Makes things so much weirder after a second. The only sound that we hear is Midoriya's breathing.

Silence was broken with Killua's low monotone voice so he won't wake up the sleepy baby."Still sleepy huh? We should go upstairs so he can sleep some more. Can you bring his stuff Gon and up towards your room." He didn't bother looking up and kept close attention to the tiny human. Responding with a quiet yeah and grabbed his stuff that his mother left for us with ease. Then headed up stairs, following Killua behind and set everything down on my desk.

"Do you mind if I put Midoriya on your bed?"

"Sure, I don't mind. There's really nothing else to make him sleep in. So I guess he can sleep with us."

"That's true." Killua gently placed him on the bed and pulling the black blanket over him up to his chest from the bag. He moved the small frail arms, so the arms were above his head. Just in case if he does move around a lot.

"You sure do know of what you're doing Killua. I would've been completely lost of just holding that little thing. Thank goodness you are here to help."

"No problem Gon,  I've done this before with my other little brother, Kalluto. So Im accustom to this." Killua said in a quiet whisper. It's good that I have amazing hearing, so I can understand people clearly of when they speak quiet. But, I didn't quite hear of Inko said to Mito earlier. All I heard was a muffled voice, like when you are trying to talk with your face on the pillow.

I still wonder of what she told her...

"I'm still pretty beat, I am going to sleep more." Killua told me with me with a small yawn afterwards and staring at me with tired eyes. Why is he so darn cute? And why is Midoriya so damn adorable while sleeping? This kind of cuteness shouldn't be allowed in this world, It's illegal!

To bad I'm not adorable as them.

Killua slip into bed right next to sleepy Midoriya and I did the same but on the opposite side. Facing each other in the eyes as if we were having a staring contest.

I showed my soft smile, of course causing him to blush a light shade of pink and avoided my gaze with the baby.

"Do you know of what I notice Killua?"


"Midoriya looks like our baby."

Killua's face redden many shades of red, for an unknown reason and covered his face with my black blanket. So adorable when he gets all flustered so easily. I guess that's my power.

"I-idiot, quit saying such embarrassing things from your mouth." I chuckled

"Sorry, did you not realize it before? I thought you would notice."

"I-I didn't think of that whatsoever, until you just told me. Ugh, I hate you so much sometimes." I can hear his embarrassment under that sheet and I really wanted to see his face.

"Sheesh Killua, don't need to be so harsh about it." I Responded jokingly.

"Why is the world so cruel to me?"

"No one would hate you Killua. I don't know who would, you are the most amazing person ever."

"W-whatever Gon. You're lucky that's their is baby between us or else I'll would've beat you up for those ridiculous statements." 

"Okay Killua, I apologize. I'll stop, let's just calm down before we wake him up."

He sighed. "Fine."

This is going to be a long day.

Parenting for a Week [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora