Chapter 14. Acquaintance

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Sorry for the long wait guys. I had to take the finals during the week, which was tiring. Also had a cold for the past couple of days, but I'm feeling much better now.

Gon's Pov

I'm so pissed that he made a wish like that over me. It wasn't Alluka's fault since Killua granted that wish to her and had no choice to do so. I know she's upset. I completely understand that but, it hurts to see her in despair of our relationship. In all curiosity, of course I'm not mad at her, just angered by Killua for making a stupid wish.

Every time I look at him in the eyes, I just start to cry. Even just hearing his voice makes my heart break even more. It hurts of just ignoring and being rude to him whenever he tries to talk to me.

There were times whenever he helps me with Midoriya, I just leave him and I go play with the kitten. He doesn't say anything, that he just did what he needed to do with the baby. All he had to do was to feed and entertain him. To be honest, he does a pretty good job of taking care of the young child, but he still pisses off that he made a stupid wish. I wish there was a way to make him like me the same way before, in hopes of that happening is pretty low.

Damn, life is so cruel to me. What did I do to deserve this punishment? Well, at least I'm not completely lonely.

What else could go wrong?

My head perked up from thoughts to sound of a door opening, revealing two people. It was Killua and some other person I didn't have a damn clue who it was. He's wearing all rocker like clothes that's all black. Even has a chain on his jeans of where his pockets are, there to make him look more cool I guess. Which, I find it kind strange that people do that.

My eyes widen as I saw their hands were intertwined. I-is Killua in love with this person? W-why? Was he cheating on me with this guy while he went to get some stuff for the kitten and Midoriya? That's bullshit. That's why he granted the wish. To be in love with someone else.

I thought we had something more than friendship. Everything was going so well before he left. This is just me luck. I'm lucky today huh aren't I?

"Who is this Killua?" Asking with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

"Oh, were are my manners Gon." He gave me a death glare. I returned the same glare at him back. "This is my boyfriend, Eren. We meet at the bakery the other day after I was done shopping. I guess he put in his number into the box of brownies. Is that right Eren?"

I fidgeted at the word boyfriend. Hell do they not look good together whatsoever. God, they disgust me.

"Y-yeah." He blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. I hate this guy so much already. Even though I barely know him which, I don't even care. I still want to kill him.

"So, how long have you two known each-other?"

"Well, we meet at a bakery a couple of days ago. When he decided to get some brownies, I wrote my number onto a piece of paper laying on the counter and put in the box. While he was paying for it. The reason is that, I just think he seemed kinda sweet and I wanted to know him more." They both blushed and looked in different directions.

So he meet the guy on the same day of when we confessed our love for each-other, it was his first day coming back here on Whale Island. My thought about this is that Killua fell in love with another guy before the spell was even cast on him. Does this mean that they known each-other for at-least 3 days? That they fell in love with each-other that quick? What the hell is going here?! It's like some kind of fantasy like love at first sight cliche shit in every love genre.

"I see, you two seem to get along very well. I envy you guys."

"That was a full on lie. I hope you two horrible people break up soon or else I'll kill you Eren to make life more even." I thought angrily.

To be honest, I don't give a crap about Eren. I just want to be alone with Killua. Even though he forgot everything about our confession, at least I still want him by my side to the end. After all these long 4 years we spent together on our crazy adventures and meeting new people who we all love with respect.

But, one person has to ruin everything.


A new foe that I have to deal with. Who knows for how long.


I know it's short, I just wanted to put a new chapter out. The next one will be longer than this and won't take as long.


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