Chapter 17. Quiet Day

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I'm just going to stick with third person for the rest of the story.

Excuse my terrible chapter names. I'm pretty bad when It comes to one,all well. 🙃

I missed Killugon day, on January 7. I was going to update but I got caught got pulled away so I didn't have the time to write. But here it is.


Third Person

The quietness of the atmosphere made everyone in Gon's room sleepy, slowly and yet peacefully in slumber on an late Wednesday evening. Low and calm snores can be heard in the room.

Alluka has her arm around Midoriya gently, who is snuggled up in her embrace. The forest and snow teens are all cuddled up after a long day of the difficult situation that they dealt with. Now everything is back to normal after making a promise, like from the very first day they reunited.

Killua still feels hurt of causing Alluka to be burdened by the wish. Seeing of how happy she was of the two being comfortable around each other, makes him feel worse. Making the smile that he loves to see going upside down breaks his heart. This taught him a valuable lesson of not hurting the ones that he cares deeply. No matter of how he feels about his own feelings, along with pain that he goes through never bothers him. All it matters that the two people he loves are happy.

Gon was excited, also proudly delighted to be by Killua's side ever since he first laid eyes on him at the exam. Deeply in love with his best friend, made him worry of ruining the friendship that they have. Keeping it as a secret for all these years, had been a pain for his heart. Unable to tell his true feelings, scared of getting rejected and leaving him for someone else.

Luckily everything came into one piece like two ripped missing hearts, trying to find the right piece and come together as one.

True love is not always a fantasy, following your heart finds true love.

One followed their heart, while the other one ignored completely of their own.

Now that one missing piece found the other by feeling hurt, for what that one broken piece had done and hurting the lost piece looking for love. Slowly coming together with jealousy, hatred and sorrow fading away from mind. Once those painful times vanished into dust, the two broken hearts finally came together and became happy. Forgetting the pain made them come closer than they ever had been for all these years.

As long they have each other, nothing could ever stop them.

The silence grew, then a sound from the dresser that was in Killua's sweater. His phone was buzzing. But no one can hear it, since they were knocked out.

Surprisingly, the little white feline woke up and stretched. Scratching the pillow, then she licked her paw to clean herself. Once finished, she can hear the phone vibrating on the dresser. Tilting her head slightly, along with a small yawn.

The small kitten climb over Gon who groaned slightly but still fast asleep, to get on Killua's fluffy white hair and took a seat. Killua didn't budge. She messed around a bit with his hair by pawing the lose hair and purring. After that, she stretched with claws detached so she won't scratch him. Laying down in his snowy white hair, strangely more comfy than the pillow.

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