Peddie- Seven years is a long time

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Patricia's POV

It's been two years.

Two blissful, perfect years.


"Yacker hurry up! We're going to miss our flight!" Eddie yelled running out of our bedroom in my still small, still ugly apartment. "I'm packed weasel. It's you that's going to miss the flight 'cause your a very unorganised person" I yell back irritably. "I'm organised" he said fake offended to which I just roll my eyes playfully. "Just meet me in the taxi" I laugh walking out the apartment.

"Why do we have to be there at 4am anyway?" Eddie sighed leaning back against the head rest. "Because Amber being the none fake blonde she is, booked the flight for 4am instead of 4pm so shut up" I say silently hoping he will just be quiet for the rest of the journey. As afore mentioned these passed two years have been perfect. Well, not exactly perfect but to be honest I prefer imperfect things. We're engaged so Amber being overly perky and Willow being...well Willow they both decided that 'Peddie and Wadam should totally share a wedding day'. Their words not mine. Though if you think I said that you obviously know nothing about me. The rest of the journey; as hoped was silent. Though I hated silence.

"Eddie?" I ask poking his shoulder to try and wake him up. "One more minute Trudy" he grumbled turning his head so he was now facing the window. I stifle my laugh before I lean over and whisper softly into his ear "Come one Eddie wake up" I pull away as his eyes shoot open in obvious realisation. "Your not Trudy" he says dazed.

"If you want to marry her instead. Be my guest" I say laughing.

"Your funny" he deadpanned before jumping out the taxi. I get out and wrap my arms around him from behind. "But you still love me and I love you" I say sweetly before kissing his cheek. I unwrap my arms and go to pay the diver as Eddie gets our luggage.

"Trixie!"Joy exclaimed as soon as I could see her. She came running to me but before she reached me she stopped. Around half a metre before me.

"I've missed you" she whispered.

"I've missed you too Joy" I say before dragging her into a hug. Though it's only been 2 months.

"So where's my godson?" I say pulling away from her. "Daddy has him" she says in her baby voice.

"Not this again" I sigh dramatically. Whenever they spoke about the baby or to the baby they would go into baby voice mode. It is so annoying. "Jerome bring Jaden over" Joy almost yelled across the airport. "Joy, keep your voice down" I hiss at her while she just shruggs. Once Jerome is with us I take Jaden from them and tell them to go away. Every time I see them I take the baby away so that they can spend quality time together since they had a baby almost right after their wedding. It is a known fact that once you have a baby most couples tend to be less romantic so I give them a chance to have that. "Eddie I told Joy that we would look after him on the plane" I say turning to Eddie as Jaden snuggles into my neck.

Before Eddie can reply I feel a small body wrap around my leg.

"Alex you come back to mummy right now!" Ambers screech could probably be heard all the way back at the drop off. Eddie picks Alexandra up and hands her quickly to Amber so that she will stop stressing. "I told you we should have strapped her in" Amber seethed at Alfie as he came to her side. "We really need to go and pay for the limo and other extras so can you please watch her?"Amber asks desperately as she straps Alex into her bright pink pram. I quickly nod my head knowing that Nina and Fabian will be here any minute so Nina can take the little devil off my hands. There is also the minor fact that if Amber doesn't spend some quality time with Alfie they will be another set of split up parents in the world. "I'm sorry for snapping at you Alfie" Amber says softly whilst grabbing his hand and interlacing their fingers. "It's okay. I love you Ambs" he says sincerely to which she says "I love you more"

"Not possible" he mumbles kissing her cheek. They walk away to their intended destination. That's why they won't split up. Not every couple has moments like that. We do. Well not exactly like that. It's more of a playful banter/argument.


It's been exactly 10 months, 5 days and 21 hours since we got engaged. This has got to be one of the most boring nights of my life. We were supposed to babysitting Jaden but Joy backed out at the last minute. She can't be more than five minutes away from him. Though we're working on it. So I'm sat here on the couch with Eddie watching reruns of One Tree Hill on E4 whilst Eddie reads a book. I think it's the Great Gatsby but I don't actually care considering the fact that he isn't complaining or interrupting my favourite episode. "Eddie could you pass me the remote please?" I ask keeping my eyes fixed in the screen in front. "No"

"Why? Just pass it to me"

"Fine" he sighs and hands me the remote. Only, it's the wrong one. "No I want the other one" I say still not removing my eyes from the people on the screen. "No. I'm reading. Get it yourself" he grumbles before turning the page. "Please just-"


"Eddie I really need-"


"I just want to turn the volume up" I say exhaling loudly. He moves his arm over to the remote as i hold my hand out expectantly. He lifts it up and presses something before putting back in it's place. Just as I'm about I ask why he did that I realise the sound on the television has vanished. He muted it! The jerk! "Eddie!" I screech realising I can't pause it as the remote is still in it's place. He begins to chuckle and I have a strong feeling it's not because of the book. I flick my gaze to him slowly. Quickly, I jump onto him and snatch his book away much to his protest. "Give that back" he exclaims reaching forward but to no avail. "Turn the volume back on and pass me the remote" I demand seriously. He smirks before bringing his lips to mine. "That's two things" he whispers pulling away. "No one was caused by you so I get two" I murmur quickly.

He leans forward again and reattached his lips to mine. I hand his book back to him just as he gives me the remote. Suddenly I hear a loud gun shot. I pull away and look towards the television to see that Keith had been shot. We begin laughing for no reason as the program ends.

*end of flashback*

Everyone had now arrived and we were queuing up for the plane. It's going to be a long month. Again.

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