What happened to you

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**********Liam's POV**********

Louis calmly made his way over to Megan "Give me the lighter Megan"
"Get the hell away from me!" she sounded so bitter, what has happened to she used to be such a sweet girl, the next thing I knew she had ran out the door.
Everyone was frantic, Sophie had taken the children into the living room away from it all.
Louis, Eleanor, Jake,Lloyd and the boys were all trying to ring her, Rose came rushing up to me
"Dad I know where she is"
"Where sweetheart?"
"The river 15 minutes away"
"Okay, Lou I know where she is" Louis turned and looked at me relief washing over his face
"Liam I think it is best if you or one of the others go and get her, she might run again if me or Eleanor go for her" his voice was so sad as if he didn't know why his daughter was being this was
"Okay I'll go, i'm sure she'll be fine don't worry"

I pulled up and parked about 50 metres away and walked over to her slowly.
There she was, shaking the amber glint of a cigerette floating in the black sky
I walked over and took my jacket off and hung over her shoulders then sat next to her
"Megan please give me the lighter and cigarettes it's for your own good, they are killing you" I don't even regonise her anymore, she was skin and bones dark circles shadowed her under eyes, there was something else about her the way she didn't care about anything anymore
"No what's the point, we are all going to die sometime" I reached over to grab her by the wrist and try to get the cigarette but she flinched the minute I tightened my fingers around her, all I could feel were her bones but why would it hurt so much?

"Megan please give me the cigarette and lighter now" she threw the cigarette into the water and handed me the lighter 

"I had better get that back Liam"

"What so you can start smoking again I don't think so" she was killing herself with these things 

"Yeah well I do, I need them they make me feel... Does'nt matter" make her feel what 

"Make you feel what Megan?" she stood up and ran, I quickly followed her I managed to grab her by the arms and pull her back 

"Fuck Liam that really hurt" but why would it hurt so much, I need to talk to Louis 

"It can't have please just come back to the car, everyone is worried about you even your mum"

"No she isn't she never has she only cares about Jake and Lloyd, their her precouis sons who are at uni never had problems in school and don't smoke, pretty sure mum hates me because truthfully Liam I hate her" why would she think those things Eleanor cared and loved her just as much as her brothers

"Please Megan come back to the car and I will give you your lighter okay" I was proberly going to regret that but I could see she needed it 

"Fine but give me now" I handed it over to her, picked up my coat from the floor and walked back to the car with her

Once we got back to the car I could see how cold she was but she refused my coat and wouldn't let me put the heating on, she was playing with her lighter watching the flame flicker before I spoke to her 

"What happened to you Megan" she didn't look away from her lighter when she replyed and I must say I have never heard someone sound so bitter and heartless before 

"Like I said to Jake I grew up, I changed I saw what the real world is like and became numb to even the smallest of feelings, i'm just another lost cause i'm not worth saving" 

Oh Megan, why would you feel numb from everything you have done more than grow up, lost cause is not true you are worth saving and I will make sure that you will get saved from whatever is happening.

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