I'm not dealing with this right now

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****************MEGANS POV*****************
Nothing really happened the rest of the time the boys were here, I couldn't cut because Liam was checking up on me all the time and doing wrist checks, didn't have any fags to smoke and mum wasn't letting me go and see Maddie, I think she knows I have been getting them from her.

I was back at school today and I was not in the mood to behave (well I never am) I sent Maddie a text on my way to school asking her if she could get me a new lighter and some more fags, witch she did thankfully.
I went to meet Maddie in town just before school so I could pick up my delivery and I gave her a quick story about what had happened. We both got to school 10 minutes late and had to face walking into form, great.
My form teacher Mrs Green hates me and Maddie (I'm not really that surprised).
"And what time to you call this Megan and Maddie?" she glared at me from her desk, I looked round the form room everyone shooting me smiles and laughs, me and Maddie on really well with everyone (the whole form got on more like a family now I think I about it)
"Maddie I think you will agree on this but I call it... HAMMER TIME" Everyone erupted into laughter me and Maddie more so but Mrs Green did not see the funny side
"CAN'T TOUCH THIS" me and Maddie shouted as we walked off and did a little dance.
As we slowly walked to maths we bumped into Joe (Maddie's younger brother)
"Shouldn't you be in form shit brains?" Maddie and Joe didn't get on well at all
"Running an errant for sir, where you off to then, and what happened last night I heard mum talking to the police saying you went missing" wait what Mad's went missing. Before I had the chance to ask her what happened she lunged for Joe and had him pinned up against the wall
"Don't you dare say anything to anyone or so help me Joe I will rip your tongue out of your scrawny mouth" she hissed at him
"Mad's put him down, NOW!" I screamed I didn't want a teacher walking into this it would not end well for anyone of us
"Fine" she dropped him to the floor and carried on walking
"What the fuck just happened Maddie" she spun round
"I just pinned my brother against a wall were you not paying attention?" her tone was sarcastic, great we both would end getting into an argument because we couldn't stop being sarcastic at each other
'No Maddie I mean with your brother saying you went missing"
"Dad's back in town, mum didn't want me to see him but I have to Megan I need to be with him and not my mum" her dad ran off about 6 years ago it really tore Maddie up she loved him so much, her and Lydia (her mum) were always fighting, they were as bad as me with my parents
"Oh Mad's I had no idea"
"Well it doesn't matter now it's over and done with" she walked off I could tell she was upset but I didn't want or need to deal with an upset Maddie right now.

I made my way to maths slowly stopping for a fag on the way, when I walked in I was 10 minutes late I waltzed in getting a few smiles and laughs mainly from the people who were in form this morning.
"Excuse me Megan" Mr Summers glared at me as I went to sit down
"Oh sorry sir I didn't realise you were in my way"
"What did you just say?"
"Oh but you did"
"Oh but I didn't" I said mimicking his tone
"Get out my classroom now"
"How about NO"
"Do I have to get the head to remove you"
"Nah sir should be fine"
"No I don't think it will be"
"I fucking do pal" I spat at him and he retorted with my words, we stood there for about a minute the anger in me rising and rising
"Get yourself to the heads office now" his calmness was scary.
I walked over in a matter of minutes because I knew what would be happening a 1 week exclusion
I got there to find the heads door open with him sat at his desk
"Ah Megan I thought I would see you today, come in"
"Thanks" I mumbled and sat down
He got up and closed the door
"So I have had an e-mail from both Mr Summers and Mrs Green, Mrs Green saying you getting more and more out of control and hard to handle, and Mr Summers saying that you swore and argued with him during a class because you were late"
"Yeah so"
"Don't use and attitude with me Megan because it will not work" ergh not the 'non of your front will work on me speech' again
"Look just exclude me for the week like you have to but can we just get this over with" I shot bluntly at him
"Fine then if you are going to be like that I will ring your parents and say you are on your way home" oh great prepare for the screaming match with mum
"Fine then, goodbye see you next week then" I rushed out the door before he had the chance to say anything else

I walked home and smoked I really couldn't care if mum would smell it on me.
I finally got to my door and opened it to see a furious mum stood there, I walked in and stood facing her for a minute before she said anything
"Really Megan getting excluded! I AM GETTING SICK OF YOU" that really hurt
"Well I'm pretty sick of you to mum"
"I don't want you to look at me"
"I am not dealing with this right now just GET OUT!"
I ran up to room and grabbed my small bag and shoved some stuff in clothes, make up, blades, vodka, fags.
I couldn't go down stairs mum would try to stop me from leaving so I hoped on the shed roof that was below my window and jumped down.
I just walked and walked but I knew where I was going

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