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My eyes locked to my mums, an instant of terror passing between us before we me, mum and dad shifted and bolted back up the stairs and into the hall.

If anyone ever tells you it's impossible to run in a wedding dress when you hear a gunshot.

They are wrong.

We all scrambled up to the main hall and with the door open still we could easily run in and as soon as I did I wish I could run out again.

It all made sense, the text was from her and she stood in the middle of the dance floor.

She had grabbed Maddie roughly by the hair, her head was pulled back and at a jaunted angle with the barrel of a gun pressed to her temple.

"Don't look to surprised Megan, I told you I'd be here didn't I." I was niave to think she wouldn't do this.

"Aria why the hell are you doing this." I tried saying calmly, but I was fucking terrified.

"So you know that you can't play games with people and not suffer the consequences. " I watched as Maddie writhed in her grip, I could hear faint whimpers coming from her slightly parted lips.

"What game did I play with you Aria?" I scanned the room, most people were hidden behind tables or chair with their children pressed tightly to them.

Me, Matt, Mum, Dad, Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Tom were the only ones who dared to stand.

I saw Tom delicately take his phone from the trouser pocket and put it behind his back, his thumb moved swiftly over the keyboard without hesitation and then it was back in his pocket like it never happened.

"You, you pretended to care about me but all you were doing was trying to pull me apart from the inside brick by brick. Then Matt came along and you took him from me, he would have been so much happier with me because I've got my life together but you haven't you've been back at the unit and you still carried on cutting after you left. God imagine how that's made Matt feel    Megan     how could you be so selfish?" Her words came out disjointed and accompanied by a venomous, coarse laugh.

"How the hell can you think you have your life together Aria, you're holding my best friend by gunpoint on my fucking wedding day you don't have it together you have it all wrong. Please just let Mads go." I have just got my best friend and this bitch is trying to take her away again, only I know there won't be any coming back for Mads if Aria goes to far.

It became silent and still, everything seemed to slow down as I watched Aria intently. She stared at Maddie her gaze cold and steely but then it faltered and she knew I saw it. She pulled the gun down and shoved Maddie forward.

Maddie stumbled foreward and I ran and caught her in my arms.

"Shh it's okay now." I cooed, after a few seconds Maddie straightened up and pulled away from me. 

My focus wavered but brought back when there was the destinct click of Aria cocking the gun and faint sierens in the distant.

"You really shouldn't of called the police Megan." She pointed gun at Maddie and time slowed down. I heard the bang as Aria pressed the trigger and the bullet cut through the air towards Maddie but it didn't hit her. 

Two strong hands pushed her out the way but they could get out the way in time themself, the bullet collided with their stomach tearing through their shirt and then ripping it's way through their flesh. 

And then they hit the floor and the thud brought everything back in time but I wished it hadn't because I watched as he crumpled to the floor blood flowing from the open wound in his stomach. 

His lips moved and I just caught what they said. 

"I love you." He took the bullet, Matt took the bullet. 

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