Glass was shattered here

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Engamnet ring picture on the sidebar


I woke up and looked at my familar surrondings, I was in my living room at home unsure as of why. I sat up and held my pounding head in my hands. I looked around and couldn't see anyone, getting up I padded through to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I heard hushed voices coming from the laundry room, I could just about make out Matt and my dad 

"What is all this pushes her back into the unit, Matt I don't think she can take it" Dad spoke calmy and quietly

"I know seeing how she reacted earlier made me think the same, she's not going to be able to cope" Matt ran his hands through his hair 

"Do you think she should go to the unit?"  WHAT.

"Wait until the funeral, I think if anything is going to happen it will be then" And the reaity hit me like a bullet, Jake died

I ran back to the kitchen but my vision went blurry from the tears building up and up, I reached for the kettle but as I did somehow I pressed the back of my hand, I let out a scream witch brought dad and Matt rushing in 

Matt grabbed my wrist and led me over to the sink, running it under cold water while dad got out some cool burn strips and a bandage 

I gazed down to my hand and smiled at the beautiful engamnet ring adorned on my finger, but as I smiled the tears began to fall and fall, I turned and buired my head into Matt's shirt 

He turned the water off and led me over to my dad, he placed the cooling strip on then the bandage "Where's mum" I needed a hug from her, I needed her to tell me everything was going to be okay 

"With Lloyd at your nan's" 

"Everything's going to be okay dad isn't it, please tell me it will be I mean Jake he's not really gone is he" I sounded pityful, like a child but I couldn't bring myself to realise he was gone even though we made up after our fight things still weren't right, we still acted like we were tredding on egg shells when we were around each other 

"He's gone Megs" He pulled me into his arms and sang to me like he did when I was younger 

Glass was shattered here

Midst the burning smell of fear

Dressed in plainclothes

Bloodstain on the snow

Looks like red wine on the clothes

Of a sailor

She lives in a photograph

Waits for you to make her laugh

Life was shattered here

Midst a thousand mothers’ tears

We’ll need rainclothes

And teardrops melt the snow

Reveal the oil spill in the road

Looks like rainbows

Drunk upon the scaffolding

Swinging around

Drunk upon the scaffolding

Laughing at the ground as he falls

"When's the funeral?" I asked puling away looking at my dad's tear brimmed eyes 

"4 days, Matt will be staying here for as long as you need him to" 

"I'll alwyas be by your side, and one day they'll be two rings on that finger" He grasped my hand carefully and kissed the ring that just about bound him to me

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