What If

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I sat nervously playing with the hem of my navy skater dress as I waited for my head to arrive

"Megan it's brilliant to see you" my english teacher said as he came round the corner a stack of books in his arms

"It's great to see you to sir" I smiled being genuine as he was one of the few teachers I got on with and always have and coupled along with the fact he is Matt's uncle.

That is one of the main reasons for the move up here, Matt's mum wanted to be closer to her younger brother.

But still I never thought that my english teacher would be related to my boyfriend.


I stood at the front of the class with three books balanced on my head the whole class laughing but it stopped abruptly when Mr Grant walked in

Stupidly I spun round to see her and sent the books clattering down at my feet one landing right on my foot

" 'king hell" I spoke out loud as I bend down to pick up the books

"Megan Tomlinson" he pressed his lips into a thin line and I waited for the inevitable 'you are sitting your mock gcse exams in 2 weeks and your doing this... blah blah blah' but I didn't get that

"Is that really all you can manage 3 books?" A wave of relief washed over me and a devious smile crossed my lips

"Think you can do better Grant" I smirked at him, knowing how far I was able to push this

"Yeah I do Tomlinson" he smirked back egging me on

"Right, contest you me now who can balance the most dictionaries on their head" this proberly isn't going to happen

"Fine, if you lose after school detention and if you win no homework for a week" I didn't even hesitate

"Oh it's on"


I smiled at the memory but noticed sir was just about dropping all the books

"Do you want me to give you a hand?" I asked hoping he'd say yes as I was getting increasingly bored waiting for the head to show up

"Gone on then" I took some books from the pile and followed him up the stairs the english store cupbord

Once we were in I noticed the state it was all the books were strewn across the shelves and around the room "Looks like a bombs gone off" I laughed a little

"No just year 8" he chuckled and placed the books down I had a thought

"Sir if you want I can help you tidy in here, I mean my metting with sir won't be long and mum and dad won't mind" he smiled at my offer

"That would be a great help" we both turned round to a knock on the door, it was Mr Mitchell my head

"Ah Megan I was told you'd be here, now shall we go to my office won't be long" I nodded and followed him back down the stairs and into his office my second home

"So how are you"

"Thats impossible to answer if I'm honest, still struggling with everything ecspeacially Maddie" tears prickled my eyes at her name

"The whole year took it very badly and trust me when I say that your form group more than most and also when we told them were you going" a sad looked passed over his face

"They all kept me strong in that place" I smiled a little

"It's good to see you back here, now you 6th form, like I said I am happy for you to come back in january I pressume you still want to do the same A-level options?"

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