Poison In Your Bones

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I crumpled to the floor screaming Matt's name but I knew what I needed to do.

Mum rushed over, taking off her shawl she scrunched up and pressed it firmly down on the bullet wound. Matt cried out in agony.

"Shhh baby it's going to be okay an ambulance is on it's way, just hold on for me." I ran my blood smeered hands soothing through his hair, not that it was doing much good but I had to keep him awake.

I looked around, people still cowred in corners of the room Dad and the boys were consoling Matt's parents and pulling Matts dad back from going for Aria.

But they forgot Maddie.

She lunged at Aria and wrestled her to the floor within seconds. She brought her foot up and pressed it over Aria's wrist before kicking the gun out of her hand, it slid quickly across the wooden dancefloor.

A bustle of armed police, regular officers and paramedics all charged through the doors.

The police sped to Maddie and Aria, they pulled Maddie of Aria before hauling her up and handcuffing her.

Paramedics moved me and mum out of the way, the quickly put a big bandage plaster type thing on Matt once they ripped his shirt off then loaded him on trolley wheeling him out.

I followed them out and to the ambulance, there was room for one and that was me. I know his parents want to be with him but I     need      to be with him.

Just as the doors closed I caught a glimpse of Aria being bundled into a police car with a expressionless face.

I grabbed hold of Matt's hand tightly as the paramedic worked on him.

"I've got you baby." I whispered, then we started speeding off to the hospital.


As soon as we entered to double doors of the hospital Matt was wheeled off into theatre and I was led to a private room to wait for mum and dad.

I sat in the chair unable to cry, blink or anything. The world around me seemed to blur and come to a hault. I glanced out the smokey window the world felt delicate like the slightest push would knock it of balance, thats how felt. 

I felt like a precious china doll that was always sat up on the top shelf of the family home to stop children playing with it and braking it, but the firt time it's brought down after years it was dropped. It's perfect white pottery smashed into across the floor. Some pieces were big others small, and the rest mineute and gone forever. 

I can feel my heart tearing down to shreds in my chest, if Matt dies I just can't be here anymore. For months and months he was my only reason to get out of bed, to carry on eating and to stop self harming and without him all of that seems pointless. 

As the door burst open a wave of noise hit me, I pulled in a deep breath; Mum, Dad, Maddie, Tom and Mr and Mrs Jameson came in. 

"Mum." I sobbed as she threw her arms around me, I buried myself into her in a false hope to try and hide away from it all. To hide from the chrushing reality waiting for me. 

"It's going to be okay I promise." She soothed my hair before pulling away from me. 

"We've got you a change of clothes, I'll come to the bathroom and help you change out of the dress." I scrubbed my cheeks with the heel of my hand and nodded, she led me down the corridor and to the bathroom. 

"You'll have you take it off out here sweetheart you won't have enough room in the cubicle." Nodding I turned and glanced in the mirrorr covered wall. My snow white dress was smeered in Matt's crimson blood, his blood also caked my hands. 

I held my hands out infront of me and stared his blood was in my hands, I did this to him. It's my fault he's lying on some operating table clinging on for life. 

I dived at the sink turning on the hot tap I furisously scrubbed at my hands, covering them in soap. I scrubbed and scrubbed but to what seemed like no avial, the blood wouldn't go. 

"Megan, stop you're going to hurt yourself." Mum said grabbing my hands and gently rubbed them to remove the blood. 

"There you go." She hummed sweetly as she took my clean hands from under the water and to the pull towel thing to dry them. 

"Turn around." I did as she asked and could feel her undoing the back of my dress, suddenly it hung loose on my shoulders and mum pulled it down. I could feel the soft tight fitting fabric shimmey down my body the cold air hit my bare skin. 

I stepped to the side and grabbed the leggings and baggy sweater off mum. While she gathered up the dress I changed and slipped on the white converse she had brought aswell. I looked back at the mirror, my face was a tear stained mess and my hair was falling flat. 

I didn't say another word to mum and I just walked out the toliets and back to the waiting room. I opened the door and everyone's eyes shifted to me but I just ignored them and sat next to my dad. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. Laying my head on his chest I let his soft heartbeat pull me into a gentle sleep. 


"Megs wake up the doctor is here." Dad softly shook me and my body jolted awake. The doctor took a seat near the door, she had a very solemn look on her face. 

"I am Doctor Abraham, we have just brought Matt out of surgery we managed to get the bullet out-.." Matt's mum cut in before the doctor had a chance to finish.

"So he's going to be okay." She rushed, her voice was rough from crying and her body slumped from tiredness. 

"There was extensive internal bleeding and Matt went into cardiac arrest on the table, we were able to revive him and he is now in the ICU in a coma." She closed her eyes and breathed slightly, looking round us all before she continued. 

"There is a very slim chance of Matt waking up, you need to prepare yourself for the worst. He may not make it through the night." 

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