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Okay, so as you'll obviously know, I asked in the chapter previous to this for you guys to ask the characters of this story questions and they are here to answer them *aka me*. And meanwhile, while this is going on, I have the boys cover of Gorgeous by Taylor Swift on repeat so life is good.

QUESTION: Do you still visit Aria's tree spirit?
BROOKLYN: Of course I do! Now I've found it, I come and see it at least once every day, and it's a nice walk about as well to get me out of the flat for a bit of fresh air. I promised her I would look after it so that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I brought Jack to see it, and told him what Aria told me that day we were all saying goodbye and he got a bit emotional but it's made him really happy to know there's a part of her still left, and seeing him happy is the most important thing to me.

QUESTION: How are things between you and Rye now you are you together?
ANDY: Things are amazing, more than amazing even. I kinda have Aria to thank for everything really because she was the one that pushed Rye into doing what he did and I never would've had the courage to do it myself, so I'm really lucky she asked him. I'm in a really happy place, and the roadies are supportive of us and that's one of the main things but the best thing is, Blair told us he was rooting for us the whole time which made things better. Rye makes me really happy, and it's amazing that he finally knows that.

QUESTION: How are things between you and Andy now you are together?
RYE: I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, and it's all because of Andy and Aria. I've got Aria to thank for so much, I never would've had the the confidence to ask Andy and talk to him if it wasn't for Aria pulling me up on stuff and pulling me up on the things I hid. He makes me really happy, and having Blair and the roadies, as well as the other boys supporting us on this is the best thing. Andy makes me really happy, and it's amazing that he finally knows that.

QUESTION: How did the story with Steph continue? Are you a couple now? She seemed nice?
JACK: We are indeed a couple, have been for a few weeks now. We're getting to those points in the relationship now where she's starting to learn about Aria, who she was and how much she impacted my life. She doesn't know everything, and I don't think there will ever be enough time in the world to fill her in on everything; but she's learning the most important things and she understands why sometimes if I hear a certain song or hear someone say a certain phrase, or see somebody perform a certain action that reminds me of her, why I break down and she knows exactly how to comfort me, and I love it. She's lovely, and I feel I'm really going to go places with her, and she makes me really happy. I listened to Aria, and I'm glad of it.

QUESTION: What do you think your last year would have been like if the boys hadn't found your bucket list?
ARIA: You can believe me, it would've been boring, and quite miserable. You see, having my bucket list aided me in keeping my mind off things, because I had things to focus on and I had something to look forward to. However, without the bucket list, I would've only been able to think about what was happening to me and what was going to happen to me, and I never would've stayed as positive and in such a good mindset if they boys hadn't found it. I'm kinda thankful really I didn't hide it very well.


QUESTION: Is there anything you regret not doing or something you wish you had been able to do before you died?
ARIA: Well, if I'm being truthful, I would've spent more time with my parents if I got the chance. They were away a lot, sometimes on business trips and things like that, but when they were home I would've liked to spend some more time with them but I couldn't as I was always out doing the hings that were on my bucket. They never minded and always urged me to go on the day outs we had planned but I sometimes felt bad and wished I would've spent more time with them.

QUESTION: How did you feel when you found out she would die, like truthfully? And are you proud of yourself for coming so far since her death?
MIKEY: It was a strange feeling. There was no pure pain, it kinda made me feel really hollow and numb on the inside, like there was nothing there and the thought of losing one of my best friends made my head spin at the mere thought. It was honestly one of the strangest, but most horrible feelings I'd ever felt but nobody could've prepared me for the hurt I felt when she was actually gone. And I'm super super proud of myself for how far I've come, Aria gave me so much motivation and I'm a happier, more confident person now because of all the advice gave me. She's my inspiration.

That's all the questions, and can you believe THIS IS THE END! Honestly, most recently, I've been getting a lot of love on my Twitter and in the comments of this story and the love just makes me so so so happy I can't even express it. Thank you all for being such avid readers and being some of the most amazing people I've ever got the chance to interact with. I have a story on my account called Behind the Screen and it's about Brook, but I also have a new story about Jack called Stranger on my account too so I'm not gone completely ;) Thank you for everything, all of you, and for now, this is goodbye x

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