The Meeting; Seokjin

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This is stupid...this is a terrible idea...what if he makes fun of me? What if he thinks I'm fat? What if...he's too arrogant? Ugh....
I force myself to stop thinking and just sip my pumpkin spice latte. It took a lot to bring me here to this place and moment in time. I still can't believe it's come to this...

Flashback to a week ago...

"Baby...I want you.."
I stare up at the ceiling anxiously as my boyfriend of four months kisses my neck and attempts to remove my shirt. I lay tense under him and try to think of more excuses to put him off. I'm completely unaroused by his antics because of my nervousness. He doesn't know I'm still a virgin.
My hands hold him back and he groans in frustration. "What is it this time? It's been months, Jin! I need you." He tries again to pull off my shirt but I sit up and cross my arms.
"I just...n-not today, ok?" I bite my lip and hold back tears as he looks at me in utter shock and anger.
"Why not today? Are you cheating on me, huh? Have something to hide?" He bites out bitterly.
My eyes widen and I shake my head. "N-no! I'd never cheat on you..."
He scoffs and stands, fixing his pants. "Well speak for yourself, princess. I've had to go elsewhere for sex for the last two months! I just want to have sex with my boyfriend but since you won't even try to act like you want me I think we should just end things here." He barks out, grabbing his coat.
I gasp in pain from his confession. He's been cheating on me? "You want to break up because I don't want to sleep with you yet?!" I glare, upset.
He smirks. "I thought with those looks of yours you'd be a sex god but I guess I'm not good enough for your highness. Later." He laughs humorlessly and stomps out of my apartment, slamming the door as he goes. I flip back down on the bed and glare up above me.
      How times is this going to happen to me? Everything starts out great...romance and wooing...ever the caring gentlemen but as soon as I refuse to put out...they walk. Is this all I'm worth? Just a quick lay? I want more. An actual relationship with a man that actually cares about me enough to wait until I'm comfortable.
      Maybe I've just raised the bar too high. Maybe I should give up my fantasies and just let it go....maybe I don't deserve the finest life can offer me...I just want to feel wanted enough to wait for, I guess. Loved enough for patience.
      I huff as my cell phone rings and grab it from the floor. My best friend, Min Yoongi. "What?"
      "Whoa...someone sounds testy. What's wrong with you?" He asks.
      "He broke up with me!"
      " have to have some kind of record, I swear. How does this keep happening to you again?" He chuckles.
       "I'm glad my failed love life amuses you! I...Uh...couldn't do it." I mumble, ashamed. Yoongi knows about my shyness and innocence.
       "...there's nothing wrong with being a virgin, Jin. Most people would find that a good thing. Maybe you should just start out being honest with them from the start." He suggests.
     "No! It's embarrassing! I don't want people to think I'm a loser." I whine.
      He scoffs. "If it bothers you so much...have you ever considered...I don't know...maybe hiring someone.."
      My eyes widen. "Are you implying I hire a prostitute!"
      He's silent for a moment. "No...yes...they have escorts for this you know. A lot of people do it. Maybe you should consider finding someone to help you get over your insecurities. I think you need that." He admits.
     I hate that he's right. Maybe... "No! That's a stupid idea." Not to mention dangerous.
      "Not a true professional. Just think about it, ok? Anyway, I was calling to let you know I'll be out of town for the next two weeks on a business trip. Have fun, yeah?"
      I roll my eyes. "Good luck. I'll see you when you get back." I sigh.
      "Yup." He hangs up and I toss the phone aside. I ponder our conversation. A male escort? So crazy...


      Now here I am. In a public coffee shop waiting for said paid escort. I did a lot of research to find the perfect match and I settled on one. His references were insanely good and a decent number of them as well. Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture but the references all mentioned how gorgeous he was.
I glance around anxiously and check the time. Still five minutes until our meeting. I force myself to relax and just pretend that I'm not meeting with basically a male prostitute that will take my virginity...yeah, that will work ease my stress...
I look up at the cold breeze that blows in, giving me chills, to see a gorgeously polished business man come inside. He orders a drink before searching the area. His piercing gaze lands on me and I stiffen. Is that...
He smiles and sits down across from me. "Kim Namjoon at your service. Kim Seokjin, I assume?" He holds out his hand and I shake it, praying my palm isn't too sweaty.
"Y-Yes." I clear my throat. "You're the...e-escort?" I whisper, looking around to make sure no one hears me. He's absolutely gorgeous for sure. Brown and purple hair cover his eyes in a stylish cut while his body is covered in a tight fitting black silk dress shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination and black dress pants that hug his thighs and ass.
He looks amused. "I am. Is there anywhere you'd like to go to discuss our terms?" He asks, sipping his coffee.
     I fidget nervously with my cup before nodding. "Would a hotel be appropriate, I suppose? I don't really feel comfortable going h-home..."
     He cuts me off. "That's fine and completely understandable. Shall we?" He stands and holds out a hand for me. Blushing, I take it and together we walk to my car. I drive us to a nice hotel I also researched and buy us a room. He remains silent and reserved throughout the trip which calms and yet unnerves me at the same time.
     I slip the key card into the door and open it revealing a nice standard room with a large king sized bed. The sight makes my nervousness kick into high gear and I have to stifle the urge to hyperventilate. You have control of this, Jin...he won't hurt or force're paying him for don't have to go through with this...

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