The Lessons PT. 2; Namjoon

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"Are you ready for lesson one?" I ask teasingly as Jin seems to panic under as I clench his thighs, pushing them up to his chest. He's already stress sweating under me. I need to work better to make him more comfortable.
    I wait for him to answer before going any farther, not wanting him to feel forced into anything. This is on his terms, of course. I'm being paid by him to do what he wants.
     He takes a deep shuddering breathe before nodding. "O-ok...but are we having s-sex now?" He asks in a small voice.
    "Do you want to?" I ask, dropping his thighs while he's so unsure. The last thing I want is to make him uncomfortable. I meet his eyes calmly. "I will never pressure you, Jin. If you're not ready just say so. We can just talk or work on what you want to know without acting on them yet." I suggest.
     "Y-you don't mind? If I'm not ready yet?" He whispers and I instantly feel bad for him. What has made him so terrified to let out his true feelings to others. Has all his partners left him because of this? Ridiculous and he doesn't deserve it.
     I give him my most confident and disarming smile. "It's fine. You're paying me to be here, remember? I don't care what we do." I release him and settle into the pillows beside him, crossing my ankles and resting my arms behind my head. The picture of ease.
     He sits up and covers himself with the blankets, flushing. I hate that he's embarrassed. I hate that he's ashamed of himself. He's gorgeous.
"Jin." He avoids my eyes as he picks at a stray thread. "Jin, look at me." I demand softly and he raises his shy gaze to mind. I lean over and gently press my lips to his. He stiffens, startled, but soon relaxes as my tongue licks over his bottom lip and soon enough he lets me in. We make out like that for a few long moments before I take hold his waist and pull him onto my lap.
He gasps but I don't disconnect our lips as I get him comfortably settled on my lap, his thighs parted around me as my hands slowly trail down his hips to squeeze his soft and plump ass cheeks.
He moans quietly against my mouth, locking his arms around my neck. I make sure he's completely into it, into me, before letting my fingers part his cheeks to tease his sensitive hole. His hips raise up in surprise but I hold him firm, keeping the kiss strong.
Eventually he breaks free to take a long deep breath. His eyes are hazy and unfocused and his sexy lips are red and bruised from mine. So beautiful. "You're so beautiful." I whisper. "Don't ever feel ashamed or embarrassed about your body. Never." I whisper and he hesitantly nods, dropping his head on my shoulder as I slip the tip of my finger inside him.
He cries out but I swallow his whimpers as I push my finger all the way inside his right inner walls. It's right, so fucking tight. 
     He grunts, gasping muffled by my shoulder. "I'm s-sorry."
     I pause and lean back to meet his eyes. Tears flood them making them sparkle. "Why are you sorry?" I ask, confused.
      He laughs humorlessly, letting the tears drop. "I'm a mess. I'm sure you've never had a client like me. I think I'm just burdening you and wasting your time." He smiles sadly.
     "Not at all. It's fine, everything's fine. Stop stressing so much, ok? Let me take care of you. Will you let me make you feel good?" I ask, serious.
     He searches my expression and eyes for a long minute before nodding and dropping his head back on my shoulder. I kiss his cheek before very slowly moving my finger in and out of his clenching hole. He shudders and grips my arms tightly but doesn't ask me to stop.
     I pull my finger out and bring two to my mouth, sucking them, wetting them for easier entry. He rests his head sideways to watch everything I do as I thoroughly drench my fingers in saliva before pushing them both inside him. He jerks, moaning, as I tap against his prostate.
      Finally...nearly relaxed...
    "Ahhh...." he moans loudly, throwing his head back as I take my free hand between us to stroke his erection. "M-more...please..." he whimpers dropping his head, gritting his teeth against the pleasure.
    I bring my mouth to his ear. "Don't muffle your cries, let me hear them." I whisper seductively and he gasps, hips pitching forward as he raises up onto his knees, finally letting go. Letting himself get lost in pleasure. That's it...let me take care of you...

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