The Deception; Kim Namjoon

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       Jungkook was released from the hospital the next morning and I decided while waiting for him that I'd cancel my appointment with Jin as well as a few others. I can't just leave Jungkook right now despite how angry I am.
       How could he do this to me? We haven't had anything close to a real relationship and I've made it more than clear over the years that we'd never have anything more than sex. Sex and business. How did it end up like this?
       I drive Jungkook back to his house and he guilts me into staying for a while. I help him into bed since the doctors drugged him up and get him some water and a snack. I feel his eyes on me as I set the glass down on his bedside table.
       He weakly sits up as I sit down on the edge of his bed. He looks properly shame faced. Fidgeting nervously. "What the hell were you thinking, Jeon?" I ask, incensed.
        He flinches. "I'm's just..." he takes a deep shuddering breath. "Please stay with me. I know I don't deserve it after what I did but p-please." He sobs.
        I can't stand his tears. Sighing, I remove my shoes and climb up to lean back against the headboard beside him. He sniffles and falls onto my chest.
       "I thought you liked that Taehyung guy?" I ask after a while of silence.
        He nods slowly. "I did. It's just...I don't know how to do a real relationship. You're the closest I've ever came to having one and I don't want to lose it. I'm scared, Namjoon." 
         I nod in understanding. "I'm not your boyfriend or property, Jungkook. You can't do this." I sigh. "You never worried or acted out like this when I'm with other clients. Why Jin? Why now?" Curious.
        He glances up. "I could tell you really liked him. More than anyone else and it terrified me. I thought if you left me for anyone...It'd be him."
         I want to deny it but I can't. I do really like Jin. As much more than a client. Swallowing hard, I meet his teary gaze. "I do like him. I don't think he likes me, though." I frown. "Regardless, it's not up to you to decide who I can end up with. I'm simply an escort. You pay me to fuck you. You pay me to pleasure you mentally and physically. This isn't healthy."
       "I know that. You think I don't?"
       "Well...obviously I'm not sure after the stunt you pulled."
       "If you leave me..."
       "If I leave you, you'll have a chance to form a real, healthy relationship. You need that. I think Taehyung is the one you should be with right now." I admit.
         He scoffs. "He's with Jin. I would just be second. Just like with you. I seem to keep coming in second to him." He squeezes his eyes closed and a tear slides down his cheek. I wipe it away gently.
        "You just need to find the right person. I'm not him. Not for you." I stress as softly as I can.
        "W-will you do something for me? One last time then I'll...I'll let you g-go." He shivers.
         I nod.
        "Will you just pretend with me. Like you did with him. For a couple weeks until I recover. After that I'll leave you alone. Forever." He whispers and I feel my heart twinge.
How can I say no? "Alright. Two weeks. I'll be yours exclusively for two weeks." I mutter.
He leans up and pecks my lips. My eyes wander over his face, down his body and back to his bandaged wrist. I lift his arm and kiss the injury, making him blush. I trail my lips up to his shoulder then to the crease of his throat and suck lightly making him moan.
I decide to put my best efforts forward and do what he's asking of me. To cherish him and make him feel like the only other person in the world. I can do that. I've trained for this for so long. I'm a professional, after all. I just hope when this is all over Jin will maybe give me a chance.
I know I don't deserve anything from him especially after cancelling our sessions without giving a reason. I felt like shit doing it but I can't see any other choice.
Pushing out all other thoughts, I cater to my client and think only of him. He needs this and it's the least I can do after all the years we've worked together.
I push him onto his back and quickly strip him naked. Touching and kissing lightly on all his sweet spots making him lose it. He whimpers under me as I stretch him then slowly slide deep inside his tight heat.
He gasps and bucks under me, locking his legs around me as I suck on his neck while thrusting inside his eager body.
"Uh, uh, uh.....g-god....more please..." he groans, nails digging into my back as I repeatedly ram his prostate hard.
I close my eyes and lose myself, letting my body run through the motions to climax on autopilot. Inside...inside I can still see Jin underneath me. Moaning my name, scratching his claim into my back. Its wrong. So fucking wrong.
Why can't I just let it go? Even for just a little while? I just...can't. I don't know much about love but I have to wonder if this is what it feels like. Maybe love at first sight. Or in my case, Love at first orgasm.
I want to laugh at myself for falling for a client but I'm in too deep. I don't even care if I'm an idiot. I can't let it go.
I stop my movements abruptly and try to catch my breath. Jungkook whines under me and bounces his plump ass onto my dick. His eyes open to reveal glossy knowing depths. His fingers tangle in my hair as he pants.
I bury my head in the crook of his neck and breath him in. He shudders and clenches around me. "It's ok." He gasps. "You can pretend I'm him. You can call out his name. I d-don't mind."
I lift up and stare down at him with wide eyes. He gives me a tiny sad smile. "I just want you. I know you wish I were him. After this is all over. I'll help you get him." He offers, shocking me further.
He thrusts his hips up, riding me. "Please. Make me cum. I need this." He groans as I begin matching his thrusts. He uses my neck to pull himself up and presses his lips against my ear, hot breath puffing out against my skin from my quick movements. "Call me Jin. Say my name. Do it." He moans.
I hesitate but seeing he's serious, I nod and let it go. "Jin..." I moan and it doesn't take long for both of us to release as one. I cum deep inside him while he shoots all over his stomach. I hold him close afterwards and fall asleep snuggled into him, dreaming about my Jin.

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