The Lie Pt. 2; Kim Seokjin

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      I don't understand anything. I feel like shit ever since Namjoon dropped me as a client. I just don't get it. He called me a few days ago and canceled our appointment without a reason and hasn't returned any of my calls or emails.
      I just want to know if he's alright. Does he hate me for some reason? Did I do something to upset him? I can't think of anything, though. Maybe this has to do with the night he left me in the middle of the night. Maybe it did make him uncomfortable and doesn't want to see me anymore.
       It also doesn't help the fact that Tae told me yesterday that apparently Jungkook has also stopped contacting him. Maybe they did become an makes sense. Did he lie to me this whole time? I guess I'm not entitled to know the truth really hurts that he did lie. He made it sound like he really disliked Jungkook but what else am I suppose to think now?
      Maybe it's better this way. Now I can officially move on and get him out of my head. Tae has been by my side more and more lately and I won't deny how happy I am to have him with me. I hate being alone and because of Yoongi's sick mother, he has officially moved back home permanently to help out. I don't want to be alone right now. Or ever, really.
       I've practically made Tae move in to Yoongi's old room and he's just went right along with all my whims. He's really helped take my mind off things. His constant flirting doesn't hurt my ego, either.

      "Jinnie! Come hang out with me." He cries as I scroll through my phone. Surfing the web. I glance up to see him pouting down at me from over the back of the couch.
       I roll my eyes. "What do you want to do?" I ask, not really paying much attention. So when he flips himself over the couch and lands on top of me, I'm completely shocked and drop my phone on the floor.
       I gasp in pain as his weight settles on me. He raises his eyebrows tauntingly at me and I can't help but laugh at his desperate antics. "Way to grab attention." I tease.
       He nods but his eyes roam over my chest and I tense as his hands move down my sides to pull me closer. His fingers teasing my waistband. We haven't had sex. We aren't dating and I haven't wanted to go there but...the thought occasionally comes to mind.
       Taehyung is really attractive and an absolute flirt. He's also kind and funny and forces me out of my comfort zone to do things I never thought I'd enjoy but somehow always do.
       He would be the perfect boyfriend. I know it. Just...I don't know what's holding me back. He's never officially asked me out or anything but sometimes I see it in his eyes. He wants more from me. I'm terrified to give him an answer.
       I'd be crazy to say no but...I guess stupidly I'm still holding out for Namjoon which is ridiculous. We never had anything. Just business.
        I swallow hard as he hesitantly leans closer to me. So slowly. I know he's giving me time to say no. To make sure ur relationship continues the same as always.
       I say nothing.
       The first soft press of his lips to mine is almost shocking at how gentle it is. His hands tighten around me and he deepens the kiss. I open up to it and he slides his tongue against mine, dueling in a slow sensual motion that makes me harden under him.
       I release a moan as he gains confidence and roughens his control. One of his hands tangle in my hair holding me still while his other hand moves under my waistband to tease over my erection. I gasp from the biting sting from my hair but it's overwhelmed as his hand begins to stroke me.
       Whimpering, I wrap my thighs around him as he holds me down and takes control of my body. It's much different than when Namjoon takes control of me. They're two different people so it makes sense but...I can't stop the comparison in my mind.
       Tae finally pulls away and stares down at me with hazy satisfied eyes. I flush as I realize he's still squeezing my length.
       "You're really beautiful. Did you know that?" He whispers softly, pecking my lips once more. "Do you know how long I've wanted to touch you like this?" He groans and sits up, pulling his hand free.
       I clear my throat and sit up as well, painfully aware of the throb between my thighs. My eyes widen as he winks and licks my precum off his fingers. My hole clenches at the sight. My entire body shakes with need and I have to close my eyes.
       "Jin...I want more. I haven't wanted to pressure or bother you about my feelings but I've liked you since the first moment I saw you in that bar. Would you consider giving me a chance? A real chance?" He asks and I hear the hope in it. I feel like an ass for ignoring the looks he's been giving me. I've just been so wrapped up in my own drama with Namjoon to notice or care.
      I hate myself for that now. Namjoon is an escort. I paid him to fuck me. That's all. Clearly he's letting me know without so many words the truth of that. Taehyung is real boyfriend material that I can come to care for and maybe love. I'm also very attracted to him and I don't think I'll have any trouble in bed with him. Obviously.
       His eyes dim and I realize I'm taking too long to answer him. Taking a deep breath, I reply. "I'll give it a try."
       There. I did it. I need to get a grip and move on from that chapter in my life. Taehyung is worth it. I can tell.
        His entire face lights up and he pulls me into a hug. "Really? Thank you. I will try to be the best boyfriend ever. I'm glad you're giving this a shot." He sighs and takes my lips in a much more desperate bad rushed way. I enjoy just as much as his slow teasing.
      I let myself relax and enjoy this and lock my arms around his neck. He groans into my mouth and pulls me onto his lap. I grind down on his erection, moaning as he thrusts up to meet me halfway.
        He smells and tastes so good. He feels good. He touches and kisses me like he cherishes me. All my past boyfriends never touched or treated me with such care. Well...except for Namjoon but he wasn't my boyfriend.
       We never had anything. As much as o wanted more deep down. He clearly found me lacking where Jungkook could fill the void I couldn't. Maybe Taehyung can do that for me.

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