Jealous; Kim Namjoon

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  I begin to worry about Jin as he stays in the bathroom for a long time. I decide to check up on him. Knocking on the door, I open it to see him asleep in the tub. Smirking, I walk inside and check the water temperature. It's not yet cold but close.
  I start draining the water and reach down to pick him up. Luckily I'm still naked so I ignore the water running off his shocking light body as I carry him back into the bedroom. I decide against dressing him and just lift the blankets over him.
I stare down at his beautiful face for a minute before I snap out of it and go to take my own shower. I think about our sessions so far. Jin's a natural just like I thought he would be. If he could only lose his self doubt and self consciousness...he'd be an excellent lover. Easily.

     When I come back out, Jin's still asleep so I head to the kitchen to grab some food. My phone chimes while I make a sandwich so I look at it to see fifty messages already. For the last couple days since I've been off rotation-so to speak-many clients have been hounding me with requests.
     I've tried to explain the fact I'm not available to some, deleting most...but it's not stopping. It shouldn't bother me. I'll have plenty of jobs still awaiting me after this month is over. I don't know if I'll schedule any more with Jungkook, though. What he did was completely unprofessional and quite stupid. Childish.
     I pick up the phone to glance through them but notice Jin coming in the room, wrapped in a blanket and rubbing his eyes. He looks cute. I place the phone back down and smirk at him.
He glares as he grabs a water and sits down on the couch still wrapped up like a burrito. A sexy burrito. I saunter over to him and enjoy his eyes trailing over my abs. My sleep pants hanging low for his viewing pleasure.
"Like what you see?" I ask teasingly. He scoffs and turns his gaze away. I peak under the blanket to see him still naked. I leer at him making him blush.
"Stop! Don't look at me.." He whines.
I laugh. "It's my job to look at you, beautiful." I wink.
"I don't think so. I believe it's your job to let me look at you." He mocks.
      I raise a brow. "It goes both ways." I let my gaze travel slowly over him from head to toe. "Would you like me to be naked for you? I will if you will." I challenge.
     I grunts in annoyance as I teasingly slip my fingers into my waistband, slowly lowering them an inch. His eyes draw immediately to the area of skin revealed. An idea pops in my head to bring him out of his comfort zone. Lessons. He wants lessons.
     I kneel down in front of him and take the edge of his blanket in hand. "Next lesson. I want you to seduce me." I murmur as I tug the blanket away from him hard, leaving him naked before me.
      He yelps and tries to cover himself. "What?!" His face and chest is bright red with embarrassment.
      "This is what you're paying me for. You want lessons. I'm going to teach you." I sit on the couch and pull him into my lap, parting his thighs around me. I tug his bottom lip between my teeth making him moan. My tongue dips into his mouth before trailing over his jaw and throat. "Seduce me, Jin. Make me want you. Make me lose it for you." I mumble.
     He shudders as I lean back to look into his hazy lust filled eyes. My own eyes dark with passion and exhilaration...anticipation.
     He shakily climbs off my lap and stares down at me blankly. "You can do it. Just try." I urge.
He takes a deep breath before nodding. I sit back comfortably as he slowly makes his way over to me once more. "Wait!" I stop him, running over to my phone to get some music.
I turn on a sexy song and wait, giving him the go ahead. He flushes but seems to recover. I leave myself open to whatever he has in mind. Wanting him to take the reigns and learn he can control this. He has the confidence of he'll just let that part of himself out.
"Show me." I demand as his face turns determined. This should prove to be interesting. I haven't enjoyed a session this much in a long time.
     I swallow hard as he makes his way over to me, swinging his sexy hips before slowly climbing back into my lap. He grinds down on me hard before bringing his lips down to my ear. I'm surprised when he starts singing the lyrics in a soft high beautifully silk voice. I want to be bad for you...

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