The Denbrough's

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The next day as I was riding my skateboard to Bill's I passed my old house. A shiver went down my spine as old memories cane flooding in like a tidal wave. I skated faster, eager to be away from that house. A few minuted later I reached the Denbrough's house. I stopped for a second to let my heart slow down. Being near my old home really got to me. As soon as my heartbeat slowed I knocked on the door.

After a few hours of watching movies and playing board ganes with the Losers, Richie decided we should watch a scary movie.

"Guys I have a suggestion!" Richie said raising his hand in the air like a five year old.

"What is it Rich?" Stan asked while he and Ben were playing Battleship on the floor.

"We should watch Nightmare On Elm Street!" Everyone looked at him.

"Isn't that the one where this guy kills kids in their dreams?" Mike asked Richie with a look of confusion on his face.

"Yes! Best part is, when Krueger kills you in your dream.. you die in real life!" Eddie took out his inhaler and inhaled deeply.

"I'm out." Eddie said pretending to walk out of the Denbrough's living room.

"Awe c'mon Eds!" Richie called after him.

Eddie came back into the room. "I told you not to call me that!" He said in a slightly annoyed voice. Bill cleared his throat getting them to stop.

"Let's n-not fight to-today guys." Bill said to them Richie and Eddie nodded and sat down.

Bill's mom came into the room. "It's getting late Bill, are your friends spending the night?" She asked glancing at everyone, but looking at me a little longer. Why is she looking at me? I thought.

Bill looked around and everyone nodded. "Yes, th-they're staying over n-night."

Mrs. Denbrough nodded and walked out of the room.

"So.. can we watch it?" Richie asked us again with pleasing eyes.

"No Richie!" Everyone said at once.

Richie sighed and Bill left to get something. He came back with the game Spoons. We all played that for a few hours. Bill's mom made a pizza and set it down in the living room to eat. Soon enough we were all tired.

I stayed up later than everyone else.. So I thought.

"Why a-are you suh-still awake Bev?" Bill whispered to me.

"I'm just.. Thinking." I said rolling over to look at him. Even in the dark I could still see his blue eyes.

"What a-are you th-think about?" He asked me smiling.

I sighed, "Do you remember Greta Keene?" I asked him.

"Yeah, a-after you l-left she started t-to bully us m-more." He said slightly annoyed.

"Remember when she signed Eddie's cast?"


"She wrote 'Loser', but was supposed to write her name."

"W-What are you saying."

"Her name is loser then."

"Hm, never thought of that." He said smiling.

I smiled at him. "You didn't stutter."

"I k-know."

"Can you lovebirds shut up. Some of us are trying to sleep!" Richie said groggily.

Bill and I chuckled and then we fell asleep.

A/N: Idk what I was writing about the Greta stuff but I read it online somewhere and really liked it sooo.. Yeah. Hope you enjoyed 🤗

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