Pancake War

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It's been a few days since Bill asked me about my mom. The doctors confirmed that Bill's had lung cancer. Mrs. Denbrough wasn't handling it well, so Bill and I decided to go with the rest of the Losers to Richie's house.

"Welcome! Mi casa es tu casa!" Richie greeted us.

"English Richie." Stan whined as he walked in.

"It's not my fault you took French." Richie said following him. The rest of the Losers piled into Richie's house. Mike was last so he closed the door.

The house was nice. A mirror and a table with keys and things on it next to the stairs. Two opened walls. One led to the living room, the other to the kitchen. Richie and Stan had gone into the kitchen.

"I-Is something b-burning?" Bill asked.

"RICHIE YOU'RE BURNING THE FREAKING PANCAKES!!" Eddie screamed and ran to the stove.

"You guys don't like them burnt?" Richie asked.

"No." Everyone replied.

"Who eats burnt pancakes?" Ben asked.

"Me." Richie said quietly.

"I'll cook the pancakes." Eddie said. "You guys go watch TV or something."

Everyone piled onto Richie's small sofa leaving Ben, Bill, and I on the floor. I was sitting in between the two which was kind of uncomfortable. A cold draft of air came into the room so I snuggled into Bill's side and he wrapped his arm around me.

Ben mumbled something that I couldn't make out.

"Get a room." Richie said and nudged Bill and I with his knee.

"It has been exactly three years since Henry Bowers has told the judge he was guilty for murdering so many children in Derry." The news reporter said.

"Can we change the channel?" Ben asked.

"What do you want, Saturday Cartoons? Because it's not Saturday and this is the only thing good on TV." Richie said. It was true, it couldn't get more real than the news on weekdays.

"Don't you have any movies we could watch?" Mike asked.

"Only horror movies." Richie replied.

"Doesn't your sister watch any movies?" Stan asked him.

"She liked horror." Richie said.

"PANCAKES!" Eddie called from the kitchen. Everyone got up. Bill and I walked to the kitchen, hand in hand.

"Is something going on between the two of you?" Mike asked.

Bill and I exchanged a glance and shrugged. I want something to happen between us, but I can't let him know that.

"Is something going on between you two." I asked Eddie and Richie.

Eddie blushed and so did Richie. Now everyone's attention was on them.

"Pancake war!" Richie yelled and threw his pancake at me.

I gave him the death glare. "You're on." I said before cutting my pancake into tiny pieces.

I ended up throwing them all at Richie. One of them managed to go down his shirt. That made me laugh. It also allowed Eddie to squirt syrup on him. Hehe. After the pancake war Richie went to take a shower and wash all the syrup off of him. Everyone else was ok, except for the occasional crumb in our hair. Everyone sat down and we watched the news until we decided it was time to go home.

A/N: Yay a long chapter! My birthdays tomorrow so that's exciting :) Except that was the day my teachers decided it would be a good day to give out tests sooooo... but we're doing papier mâché in art so thats cool! Anyways, till next time fellow losers.

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