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Bill and I stayed up the rest of the night and woke the losers up at 6 because why not?

"Why do you need to wake us up THIS early!?" Richie yells at us.

"S-Shut up my p-parents are still a-asleep." Bill scolds him quietly.

"Bill, it's summer. Summer is meant for sleeping in, not waking up early!" Stan whisper-yelled.

"Can we please go back to sleep?" Mike asks. Sometimes I think he and Ben are the most mature ones.

"N-No." Bill tells them. Richie groans.

"Well if you woke us up this early there's got to be a reason." Ben said to Bill.

"Yeah, get d-dressed guys, then m-meet me and Bev o-outside." Bill says then walks to the front door with me following him.

10 minutes later they come outside.

"How long does it take for you guys to get ready?" I ask them.

"You woke us up early, so expect us to be late." Richie says to me.

"So what are doing Bill?" Eddie asks him.

"We're going to make sure the clown isn't dead." Bill tells everyone before getting on his bike.

"Where are we going first?" Stan asks him while we all get on our bikes.

"The sewers." Bill says to him.

"G-g-grey water?" Eddie asks nervously.

"Wasn't that the water that you fell in?" Richie asks holding in laughter.

Eddie gags, "Beep Beep Richie."

When we get to where the sewers are Stan looks around.

"There's still poison ivy everywhere. That's poison ivy. That's poison ivy-" Stan says pointing at almost every plant.

"Not everything is poison ivy Stan!" Richie yells before walking into the sewer with a stick.

Bill, Mike, and I follow him. The others stay behind.

"Do you share a bathroom with your mother?" Richie asks Eddie.

"Sometimes, yeah." He says.

"Then you probably have crabs."

"That is so not funny."

"Is this still grey water Eds?" Richie asks him pushing up his glasses.

"Yes. Don't smell it again or I'll-" Richie smells the end of the stick, the part the was in the water. "Why- What are you doing!? I told you not to smell it!"

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor." Richie says with a Spanish accent.

They argue for a bit longer. We haven't found anything that shouldn't be here.

"Are there any kids missing?" I ask everyone. Eddie and Richie stop arguing and think.

"No.." Eddie says. Richie drops his stick.

"So what are you saying? This is all just a wild goose chase?!" Stan asks raising his voice a little.

"Then maybe we should go." I say looking at Bill.

"Y-Yeah. Let's g-go guys." Bill says walking out of the sewer sadly.

We start riding our bikes back to Bill's house. When we get back his mother is sitting on the porch.

"Where were you?" She asks him. I think she has been hanging out with Mrs. Kaspbrak.

"We were at Richie's house.. he forgot his um.." I start but get lost for words mid sentence.

"I forgot my favorite Hawaiian shirt." He says making it sound believable.

"Ok." She says and we all go inside.

When I get inside I remember something. My aunt. I haven't told her where I was yet.

"Bill can I call my aunt." I ask him.

"S-Sure there's a phone in the kitchen." I nod and walk into his kitchen. I call my aunt and let her know where I am.

After a few minutes of talking to her I go back to the living room. Everyone is packing their bags. I guess everyone needs to go. So I start to pack my things too.

"You missed it Bev." Richie tells me.

"Missed what?" I ask him.

"Bill just got scolded." He says.

"For what?"

Richie walks over to him and talks into a hairbrush like microphone. "Why don't you tell her Billy Boy."

"The d-door to G-Georgie's room was o-open.."

"And his mother said all of his friends have to leave." Mike says.

After a few minutes everyone is gone, except me. I mouth "I'm sorry." to him. Then I leave.

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