Truth or Dare?

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The Losers and I were walking around the town, bored out of our minds. Thats when Richie suggested we play truth or dare.

"Hey guys let's play truth or dare!" Richie said, I could basically see the light bulb above his head.

"Ok." We all said at once.

"Ok umm... Eddie truth or dare?" Richie asked.


"You're no fun!" Richie thought for a moment. "Are you excited for school?"

"What the heck type of truth is that?" Eddie said making a confused expression. "But to answer your question no, I am not excited. Umm... Mike truth or dare?"

"Umm... Dare."

"I dare you to go up to a random person and... give them your hat." Eddie said.

"This is my favorite har though." Mike said taking it off.

"It was a dare."

Mike groans and walks up to a few boys and hands one his hat.

"Ok Bill truth or dare?"


"I dare you to... kiss Bev." Mike said a mischievous grin on his face.

Bill kissed my cheek.

"Y-You didn't say where I h-had to miss h-her."

We kept playing truth or dare for the next few hours and Bill and I only chose truth. Soon it was getting dark and everyone parted ways except Bill and I.

While we were walking back to Bill's house we saw Greta and her minions walking on the opposite side of the road. Bill and I ignored them but Greta sees everything.

"Hey guys it's Beaverly and her boyfriend." Greta yelled across the road to us.

"C-Come On there's a s-short cut." Bill grabbed my hand and led me into the woods.

We walked a little ways before we reached Bill's house.

"School is going to suck this year." I groaned.

"You a-aren't going back t-to Manhattan?" Bill asked as we walked into the house.

"Do you want me to go back?" I asked in a teasing voice.

"N-No I never said that."

"I know I'm just messing with you." I said smiling.

A/N: I just sat through two hours of jazz music at my church and almost fell asleep and also I have to be in a car for like three or two hours so... Yeah till next time fellow losers

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