Who Are They Talking About?

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The Losers and I decided that to celebrate the last week of summer we would cliff dive.

We are currently riding our bikes, Bill's mom bought me one because she didn't want me to fall off my skateboard, and listening to Richie and Eddie argue.

"I can't wait for school to start." Eddie says annoyed.

"Why?" Richie asks.

"Because then I'll be away from you." Eddie says sarcastically.

"What ever happened to Reddie?" I ask them.

Eddie blushes and Richie grins.

"Yeah Eddie, what happened?" Richie asked.

"You're being a jerk." Eddie responds.

"He's always a jerk." Stan says.

So while all this was happening Bill and I stayed behind a little bit. So did Ben.

"You ok Ben?" I ask. Usually he's up ahead with the others.

"Yes." He says.

"Y-You sure?" Bill asks.

"Yes." Why is he only giving us one worded responses.

"You sure you're sure?" I ask him.

He mumbles something.

"I'm gonna go up ahead with the others." He said, then he peddled away (peddle peddle).

"That was weird." I say.


We get to the cliff that we normally jump off of. Eddie pushes Richie and Richie grabs Eddie's hand and brings him down with him.

"What the heck Richie!" We hear Eddie yell.

"Who's next?" Stan asks us.

"Me." I say and grab Bill's hand.

We hold hands until we feel the water wrap around us.

"What was that?!" Eddie yells. I guess he stepped on something.

Bill goes underwater to see what it is. "It was a leaf Eddie." Bill says holding up the leaf.

Soon we feel more splashes as the rest of the Losers join us.

Stan, Ben, and Mike are having their own conversation a few feet away but we can't hear them.

"I-I wonder w-what their talking a-about." Bill says watching them. I shrug and go under water. I grab Richie's foot and hear him scream from above the water. Then I swim back to Bill.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Richie screams.

"What was what?" Eddie asks.


Eddie cracks up. "You're delusional."

I hear the raising of voices from Ben, Stan, and Mike so I turn around.

"I don't like her anymore she's with someone else." Ben.

"You still like her, though." Stan.

"You should talk to her." Mike.

That was all I could make out. I wonder who they were talking about.

A/N: Yay it's my birthday! If you haven't listened to the duck song you should listen to it. That was what the peddle peddle thing was lol. Ok till next time fellow Losers.

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