Beep Beep Richie

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I watched the Losers talk for a bit, and then Stan saw me and waved me over to them. I reluctantly got up and walked over to where they were gathered.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I ask them.

"What I saw earlier." Richie said. He picked up a twig and held it up to his face like a microphone. "Now, would you mind telling us why you kissed Bill?" He was doing one of those ridiculous voices.

"Sorry Richie, but I don't kiss and tell." I said pushing away the twig he was holding up to me.

"You wouldn't be necessarily telling because I saw it happen." Richie said throwing the twig into a bush.

"J-Just stop t-talking about it R-Richie." Bill told him. Richie sighed.

"I need to go my mom is expecting me for dinner." Eddie said walking away.

"Yeah I need to go too. Bye guys." Stan said.

Soon everyone except Bill and I were gone. He looked at me in a questioning way.

"I'm sorry." I told him looking at the ground.


"For doing it out of the blue... And in front of Richie."

"You d-didn't know Richie w-was there." Bill said. "Plus I k-kinda liked it.."

This took my by surprise. "Y-You did?" He nodded smiling.

"Y-Yes. It reminded m-me of the d-day before you h-had to leave."

"You still remember?" I asked him. Now we were both smiling.

"W-Why wouldn't I?" He asked me.

"I thought you had forgotten by now."

"N-No, I didn't forget Bev."

"Well I have to go.. it's getting dark."

Before I left Bill gave me a peck on the cheek. I went back to the motel that night feeling wonderful.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter guys. So when I came on Wattpad this morning a lot of people had been voting on this. Thank you guys so much! It makes feel happy that some people actually like this story. Anyways till next time fellow Losers.

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