Chapter 3|Date Night

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I wake up to Aaron rubbing my shoulder.

"Hey Aph wake up. The movie's over." He says. I look up at him.

"What?" Seriously. I'm confused.

"The horror movie." He laughs. "You crashed." I look around me. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan are arguing over how to get the tv back to normal. I now realize I'm still cuddled up on Aaron's chest. And I'm also cuddled up with his jacket. I look up at him.
"Mmhhh" I just lay back on his chest again. He laughs. Yaaay so warm. Ugh Katelyn. Kawaii~Chan. Shutup.

"No that won't work! You have to go to input and choose one of the inputs!" Katelyn argues. Kawaii~Chan says something and I don't care.

"Shutuuuupppp." I groan. I grab the remote, and without even looking I shut it off, and turn it back on. It goes directly to the guide. I look up at them, and they stop arguing. "Boom. Simple." I say. Then I just cuddle back up.

"Aph you gotta get up at some point. We have a date in 2 hours." Aaron says. I look up at him again.

"WAIT WHAT TWO HOURS HOLY CRAP!" I jump up off the couch. Two hours! I still have to pick out what I'm gonna wear and EVERYTHING! I calm down, and smile. "I'll see you in a few hours. I have to start getting ready." I say. I kiss his cheek, and start up the stairs.

I start looking through my closet for something to wear. I hear Katelyn and kawaii~chan saying bye to Aaron. I walk to the top of the stairs.

"Bye Aaron!"

"Bye Aph!"

I go back to my room, and start searching frantically again. I make an adorable outfit. A black crop top with a high waisted velvet red skirt. Cute choker, check. Black wedges, check. ADORABLE BLACK CAT PURSE!!! *Ahem* check. Matching makeup meaning it's matching because I didn't do it meaning I asked Katelyn for help meaning she's the queen of makeup. Check. She created such a beautiful look without using any highlighter or bronzer or anything extra. She said she didn't want to hide my "beautiful" face. She said Aaron would appreciate it. Then I curl my hair.

I run down the stairs. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan are in the kitchen.
"Wow Aph you look really nice!" Katelyn says.

"Thanks! I gotta get going!" I come to the kitchen to say bye.

"Aphmau~Senpai looks sooo hot! Aaron~Kun will probably just be drooling over her! Like Zane~Kun did when kawaii~chan...nevermind! Oooh! That purse is sooo cute!" Kawaii~Chan now drools over my purse. Huh...her and Zane...hehehe. I hug kawaii~chan and look at Katelyn.

"Katelyn, please don't murder Aaron. I don't know if I'll be home tonight or if I'll stay with Aaron so goodnight for now. I'll see you guys later." I hug Katelyn, and start out the door.

"Aph! No kissing on the first date!" Katelyn shouts.

"Ha! We'll see about that! Sorry mom!" I reply. I smile, and hear her and kawaii~chan laugh. I head out, and I didn't realize it was this chilly. Just enough to make me cold. Whatever. I'll be inside most of the time anyway.

I drive to Olive Garden, and see if there's already a reservation. There is. Oh no! Has he been waiting? I hope not! The waiter points me in his direction, and I jog over.

"Have you been waiting?" I ask him.

"No. I actually just got here."

"Thank goodness! I started to panic!" He smiles. Then he really looks at me, and blushes. I blush too.

"You look amazing!" He says. I blush harder, and smile.

"You're looking hot as ever!" I say. He laughs. We order our food and drinks, and talk for a while. I love this. Just me and Aaron, having a good time like always. Except this time, it's special.

But I feel kind of strange. Like an eerie feeling. I look around, and there is a guy at a table for one staring at me. Everywhere but my face. He meets my eye, and he gets a nasty grin. I'm scared. I scoot closer to the wall next to me, trying to feel safe. Aaron looks up at me.

"Are you okay Aph?" He asks.

"Uhm yeah." I look up at him.

"Are you sure?" He seems concerned. I just nod. I look back at the table, and the guy is staring again. He's making me so uncomfortable. Finally, we get our food. We've already eaten up all the breadsticks. While eating, I forget about the guy. Just having a great time.

We finish eating, and I insist at least splitting the bill half and half. We pay, and...wait...where did the guy go? He's not at the table...maybe he left? He's gone the instant we are leaving. I'm. Terrified. I get close to Aaron, and he puts his arm around me. When we walk out the front door, I look back into the window of the lobby. And there's the guy, looking. Staring.
I hug Aaron's neck. I start to cry in fear. "Aaron! Aaron he's there!" Aaron starts freaking out.

"Woah woah what's wrong? Who's where?" He asks.

"In the window of the lobby he's been staring at me the entire time we've been here! And now he's about ready to leave as soon as we are! He's following us, or me!" I say. Aaron looks at the window.

"I don't see anyone..."He says. I look at the window. He's gone.

"Where did he go?! Aaron there's been a guy staring at me! My chest my butt my legs, everywhere! He could be anywhere now!" I look up at Aaron.

"Okay Aph. We can walk to my car, and I can take you back to my house as soon as possible okay?" He says. I nod. Just then, the guy walks up to us.

"Hey baby!" He whistles. Aaron grabs me, and moves me behind his back. "Hey! I just want to talk to her, that's all! No need to hide her!" The guy looks up at Aaron.
"If you just want to talk to her, then why have you been staring at her all night!? Answer me that. You're just a pervert." Aaron defends me.

"Just let me talk to her!" The guy says. I start to walk out from behind Aaron. He keeps his arms around me. The guy immediately tries to grab my butt. I slap him. Aaron pulls me back. The guy looks at me. I realize now that we are still close to the front doors. I look in the window, and there is a woman in the window.
She looks me in the eyes. "Help. Get help." I mouth. She nodded.

"Hey! Look at me sweetcheeks!" The guy says.

"Why don't you just back off." Aaron says. The guy smirks. I look at the window again, and the woman is telling the front desk something and pointing in my direction. The man at the front desk looks at me. The pervert grabs me, and tries to pull me from Aaron. I scream. The pervert fights against Aaron, and he's strong. I try to fight back, but he's too strong. People run out the front doors to help.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream. The pervert gets a hold of me, and I reach for Aaron. He starts choking me, and I start getting weak. The woman grabs the pervert, and pries his arms from me. Aaron grabs me, and holds me tight. I cry into his chest.

Someone had called 911, and the cops came to get the guy. He was pressed with several charges. Pera medics checked me, to make sure I was okay. Once we were allowed to leave, Aaron had a sigh of relief. So did I, I was ready to leave. We get into Aaron's car, and when I sit down, he rests his hand on my leg, and rubs my leg with his thumb. He was comforting me. I put my hand on top of his, and we lock fingers.

"Do you want to come back to my house or do you want to go home? I think it's best for you to go home, but I'm okay with which ever you pick." He asks me. I think about it. Comfort and safety of Aaron? Or comfort and safety of home?

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