Chapter 29|Aaron's Return

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I meet my mother's gaze in the rear view mirror of the car.

"Mija, why are you shaking?"

I swallow hard. I know I'm anxious, it's hard not to be.

"I-I... I'm really nervous," I admit.

"Why? It's Aaron, sweetheart!" My mother's eyebrows furrow.

"I know... I honestly don't know why. I guess I've been waiting for this day for so long... it came a little faster than I expected," I add. "I'm just... really excited. Maybe a little bit too excited for my own good."

I plaster a smile on my face, which my mother returns.

"Just imagine how Aaron feels. He's on a plane, stuck with nothing to do, waiting and waiting to arrive to the airport," my mom says.

"Actually." I steal a glance at the time on my phone. "I think he already landed."

My mom looks ahead at something in the distance.

"I sure hope so," she says. I look ahead as well, and there it is. The airport, standing tall. "Your boyfriend is just inside those walls. Ah! I'm so excited to see him!" She adds with a smile.

I wear a big smile as well. We're about to do this.

I take my mom's hand as soon as we step in the front entrance.

"Come on! We gotta get to like the whole other side!" I exclaim, searching the area for any direction signs.

Baggage claim... car rentals... plaza! That's where we're meeting him.

"This way!"

"Mija! He probably just landed! He's got to go through baggage claim and the security check, that could take a while. We don't have to rush," my mom says, resisting my pull. I let go of her hand, and we take in our surroundings.

"Sorry. I'm just really excited to see him," I apologize.

"Of course you are! That's nothing to be sorry about! Let's just walk there, take our time, maybe figure out the layout so we know where he'll be coming from. That should take up most of our time," my mom suggests. I smile and nod. She leads the way, swiftly passing through people.

When the busy plaza comes into view, we stop. My mom looks back at me.

"Okay. Let's explore a little, but stay in this area. Maybe find something else to pass the time," she suggests. I nod, agreeing.

We explore the different shops, and get familiar with the things around us. We realized we were exploring for a while, and that we lost track of time.

I check the time on my phone.

"Mom, we've been exploring for an hour!" I exclaim.


"Yeah! Look!" I show her my phone, and she shares the same expression as me.

Part panic, part... well, dying, to be honest.

"Well, come on! Let's look for the signs that point to the security check, so we know where he's coming from, and then we can chill and wait," she suggests. A pit of anxiety burrows in my stomach, along with a ball of panick that whacks me across the face.

"L-let's go then!"

We rush back to the center of the plaza, where we sit on a bench. My mom begins talking about this and that, trying to pass time. Meanwhile, I update Katelyn on the situation through texts. She told me to, and I don't dare defy her.

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