Some Stuff About Me

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Hi everyone! So, I was tagged and I have to do something because of that. And that something is this. So, let's dive into my life... which isn't all that interesting... but let's do it anyway! Weeeeeeeeee!

Name: Katelynne

Favorite color: purple


Favorite games: Minecraft (ha, basic) Subnautica, Battlefield 4

Me in a few words: Constantly on a sugar high meaning never really on a sugar high meaning I'm always hyper (ha nailed the few words)

Favorite book/movie series: Harry Potter and The Hunger Games

BONUS: I'm not the most popular person at school, so not everyone knows me by name. In gym, when picking teams, they always point at me and say "uhh red hair". I'm not kidding. It literally happened today. And yes, I have red hair. And if I'm not known by my red hair, I'm known as the twin to my twin brother. Yes, I also have a twin.

So, a few things about me! Just a few. Don't want to overwhelm you with my boring life 😆. If you don't believe me about having red hair and a twin brother, ask arrowtrails, she's my best friend. And yes, I just "secretly" tagged her. Also, thanks to @_IndigoBlueFantasy_ for tagging me in the first place!

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