Chapter 22|Critical Condition

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Waiting for the minutes to pass. Waiting for the hours to pass. Waiting for days. Weeks. Months. Just waiting for something out of my grasp. It's only been two weeks. It's April. He's coming back sometime in October. I can't wait that long. But that's what I'm being forced to do.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I call back vacantly.

"It's Gene. Katelyn let me in."

I look over at my door. Gene has been pretty helpful lately, and he's kind of become my buddy. Despite everything that happened in highschool.

"Come in," I state. My door opens, and in steps Gene with a smile.

"I thought I'd come visit, see how you're doing," he says.

"Well, I'm not doing too great, to be honest," I admit. He frowns.

"But it's better with me here, right?" He asks hopefully. I force a vacant smile.

"Yeah." Sure. Whatever you say.

Gene sits on my bed next to me. "Thinking about him again?" he asks. I nod as I look down at my hands. "You'll be okay. Why don't you try to text him or something?" He says while placing his arm around my shoulders.

"At this time of day, he's really busy," I retort.

"Doesn't hurt to try," Gene pushes. I look over at my phone. I guess he's right.

I pick up my phone, and text him.

"I know you're busy, but I was just hoping maybe we could talk. No hurry, but just reply when you can. Love you."

I turn off my phone, and I see Gene on his phone texting someone.

"Sorry Aph, just gotta do this real quick. She will kill me if I don't reply," he apologizes.

"No worries, I understand," I reply. As he puts his phone away, my phone buzzes. Aaron?!?!??

Picking up my phone, I see the words "hey babe." AARON?!?!

I click on the message frantically. I'm about to reply before I see the contact name. "Creep". My smile turns into a deep frown. Why does this happen every time?

Flinging my phone across my bed, I let out a frustrated sigh.

"What's wrong?" Gene asks.

"Don't worry about it," I reply. I see a slight smile tug at his lips. I guess I must be seeing things now.

Gene stays over for a little while, getting my mind off of Aaron. He would pull out his phone several times, and text whoever "she" was. I also got a few new texts from creep. How fun.

Buzz. Same old story. This is getting annoying.

I pick up my phone to clear the notifications. When I click on it, it takes me to two message threads instead of one. "Creep" and... and Aaron!!! Clicking on the thread, I quickly read the response.

"Hey Aph. I actually have a little bit of break right now. So what's up babe?"

I internally scream. A huge smile creeps across my face as I text back.

Aph- I'm not really up to much. But I'm so glad I can talk to you! You have no idea how much this means to me.

Aar- Yeah, I'm glad you texted me. These last two weeks have been absolute torture.

Aph- Same for me. Obviously it's worse for you with all your work, but I've been having a really hard time without you here.

Aar- Try not to stress over me too much. I miss you too, but I've learned that I can't do much of anything while I'm thinking about you. Which honestly seems to be all the time.

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