Chapter 20|Aaron's Trip

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After spending a while up on the cliff, Aaron drove back to his house, with me of course. As soon as we got back to his house... we uh... had a... makeout... session... um... anyway! After... yeah we went to bed. But not really to sleep. We just kind of laid down.

"Are you tired?" I ask Aaron softly. His hands shift on my waist.

"Not really, you?" He asks. I shake my head. I look up at him, and he looks down at me. "What do you wanna do?"

"Just... lay here. If that's okay with you," I suggest.

"Sounds good to me," he replies. I rest my head in the crook of his neck, and close my eyes. I lightly press a kiss to his neck, and he does the same to the top of my head.

After a few minutes of silence, my mind starts to wonder. It tracks back to the whole Lycan company deal. I want to ask him more about the training, it's eating away at me. But I really don't want to pressure him. But I need to know if he'll be away. This is difficult.

"Um..." I start. I hesitate as I struggle to compose a sentence. I feel Aaron shift.

"What?" He asks, encouraging an answer. I look up at him, and he looks down at me. When I don't answer, he sits up, bringing me with him. I meet his gaze, but I tear my gaze from his when I realize I have to be straightforward with him. He holds my chin, making me look up at him.

"Please, tell me what's on your mind," he pleads, looking into my eyes. In his eyes, I can see concern and vulnerability. I have to talk to him about it.

"Um... I need to talk to you about... your work," I start. Well, that's a start. Aaron slightly tenses up, but then he nods, masking his emotions.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable... but I need to know more about the training you were talking about," I say. Aaron grabs my hand, and looks down before looking back up at me.

"I just wanted to know if it was something you worked on here... or if you had to go somewhere else," I add. At this statement, Aaron hold my hand tighter, and his eyes start to glisten with tears. I look at him with concern, but he quickly masks his emotions again. I cup his face with my free hand.

"Aaron... you know it's okay for you to show your emotions around me. I need to know what's going on," I encourage him softly. He intertwines our fingers, and swallows hard.

"Um... it's something I have to go away for. I have to go to FalconClaw," he admits. FalconClaw?!

"What? No, that's way too far away," I start to tear up. No, I can't. Not right now. I swallow my tears to mask my emotion. "How long would you have to stay..." I trail off. He looks down at our hands.

"About... six... months..." he says, struggling to keep back tears. I can hear it in his voice.

"Wait... six months?" I repeat. He nods.

"Yeah..." he says vacantly. We both look down, unable to hold eachother's gaze. After a few moments of silence, Aaron says "You know, I got a call earlier."

I look up. A good call... or a bad call?

"Is it good news?" I ask hopefully. When he doesn't respond, it tells me it was bad news. He looks up, meeting my gaze. Now he looks even more broken than before. I squeeze his hand. "Aaron?" I ask.

He lays his head on my shoulder, and lets out an emotional sigh.

"I have to go," he says.

"What?" I ask. He didn't mean...

He lifts his head. "I have to go... to FalconClaw," he admits. "My father called me and shared the news."

I process his words. FalconClaw... for six months...

Unable to say anything, I bring his head to my chest, holding him. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tighter. I kiss the top of his head, never wanting to let go.


After that, everything went by like a bullet train. Before I knew it, it was the night before Aaron's departure. I had slept over at his house, and he had held me tight throughout the entire night. By morning, I was in tears. He had to leave very early to catch his flight.

No one in the neighborhood knew Aaron as well as I did. He was quiet around other people, so he never got super close to everyone else. He did get pretty close to my mom, so both her and I went with him to the airport to see him off. Eric also came, due to Aaron being kind of close to him. Eric and my mom are dating, and he could become my stepdad at any time, really. So it was fitting that him and Aaron got to know each other. Everyone else said goodbye when we were leaving for the airport.

"There it is," I hear Aaron whisper incoherently, looking at his flight gate. My eyes start to well up with tears as we stop. I look up at him, and I can see tears in his eyes too. He lays his hands on my shoulders, and looks me in the eyes.

"It'll be okay Aph. I'll keep in touch with you as much as I can. I can't promise it'll be every day, but I'm going to try my hardest," he reassures me. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Aaron moves one of his hands up to cup my cheek, and brushes the tear away with his thumb.

"I need you to remember something," he says, taking my hands in his. I nod. "I need you to remember that I love you, more than anything in my life. You need to keep that in your mind, every day I'm gone. And when I'm back, I'll be there to make it known," he says. I nod once more, tears overwhelming me.

Aaron pulls me into a tight hug, his body right up against mine. I hug him back just as tight. After holding the hug for awhile, he pulls away and cups my cheek with his hand again. Then he kisses me, the kiss being soft and warm.

When he pulls away, he looks into my eyes again. I can feel the thumb of his free hand going over my promise ring.

"I love you," he whispers softly.

"I love you too," I reply. He kisses my forehead before letting go of me hesitantly. He hugs my mom, and gives Eric a firm handshake. Before stepping into the gate, he gives me one last glance. Then he's gone. That's it. For six months. I run to my mom, and she hugs me tight. I feel Eric wrap his arms around us, comforting us.

After that, I was broken. The whole ride home. And even when I got home, everything seemed out of place. When I walked into my room, I immediately plopped onto my bed, thinking about everything. After a while, his sweatshirt in my closet caught my attention. I remember this. It was the morning after our first date, and he handed me his sweatshirt since it was cold outside. And then I stole it.

I had put on the sweatshirt, never wanting to let go of him. That leaves me now, cuddled up in my bed, staring across the street to his house. I'm just hoping any second, he'll walk out of his front door and this will all be a dream. But no matter how long I watch his house, I know it's not going to happen. Not for another six months.


Hi everyone! Sorry for the super short chapter. My summer break is coming up in a few days so the chapters after this will hopefully be better and longer. Hopefully. Don't quote me on this. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Love you all, bye!

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