Chapter 15|Two Years

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So, next day, I started the treatment. One dose of the medicine in the morning, another in the evening. I'm five days in, and I wish I was done already. I still have three more days, including today. But the medicine makes me feel like I'm always nauseous, I always have a headache, and I just feel like crap.

Since the medicine is pushing my immune system to fight the infection, it's been hard to avoid getting a fever. Honestly, I wish I was just pregnant instead of having this condition.

"Aph," I hear Aaron's soft voice bring me out of my thoughts. He's been very delicate with me since I started the treatment. Everyone else has as well, but Aaron is extra cautious.

I'm laying on my stomach on the hospital bed, so I turn over slightly to look at Aaron. When I see a smile on his face, it encourages me to sit up.

"Hey babe," He says as he walks up to me. Oh yeah, he also started calling me babe. I smile, and he kneels down on the ground next to me. I hold my arms out, I need a hug. He gladly wraps his arms around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck. He tightens his grip, still as lightly as he could. This makes me laugh.

"Aaron, you don't have to handle me like I'm a precious piece of glass," I say as I pull away, looking him in the eyes.

"Well, I can tell you are really weak. You don't have much of a grip. I don't want to hurt you," He says. I smile.

"You're not going to hurt me. Sure, I have a weak grip, but you're not going to break a bone just by hugging me," I tell him. I assure him I'm fine, even though I'm freezing, and suffering. He smiles a little, telling me he believes I'm okay. But then, I feel goosebumps pop up on my arms in response to me being cold. He looks at my arm. Crap, he noticed.

Aaron trails his hands down my arms, and caresses my hands in his. He looks concerned for a second, but the next, he's flipping onto my bed, laying me on top of him.

"What're you doing?" I ask with a hint of laughter. He laughs as we wraps his warm arms around me tighter.

"You're really cold. I thought maybe this would help," He says. I hug his arms as I relax I little more. I lay my head back on Aaron's shoulder, and I realize how warm he is. I can feel myself warming up, almost falling asleep in his arms.

"Hey, Aph," Alina's somber voice brings me out of my thoughts. She's standing in the doorway, not looking so happy. "I need to talk to you. And it's your choice what you do with the information I give you, so I'm gonna have to ask to speak in private," She suggests as she looks at Aaron. Aaron nods his head, kisses my cheek, and stands up. He looks back at me and smiles before he leaves the room. Alina closes the door behind him. She takes in a deep breath, and releases it with a stressed face.

"What... what's wrong? Is it something about my condition?" I ask. Alina nods with tears in her eyes. I tilt my head at her expression. She lays her clipboard on the desk next to the door, and pulls the chair out from the desk. She drags the chair up in front of my hospital bed, and sits down in it. I sit with my legs crossed on the bed, facing her. She takes another deep breath.

"You're giving me the impression that it's something really serious..." I say, searching her eyes for an answer.

"That's because it is... " She says as she looks down. "We... were researching the condition more, and we found a few more records of it from around the world. And we found out that the infection hits only three systems, and it doesn't hit the same one twice, it's forced to switch every time it hits," She says the last part with even more tears welling up in her eyes. I contemplate what she was saying. Is that a bad thing? I have so many questions.

"Is that bad? Wouldn't that be a good thing?" I choose to ask. Alina shakes her head.

"No. The three systems it affects are the respritory... the reproductive... and the circulatory... Like I said a few days ago, when it hits the circulatory system, it's fatal. It completely stops the heart, and our research shows that shortly after the heart stops from the infection, the patient goes brain dead," She starts to explain. She grabs my hands. "I want you to realize the fact that once the infection hits the heart, it's completely fatal. Please, don't make me say it," She pleads. I have no idea what she's talking about. I stay silent, not being able to reply without an answer. Alina sighs.

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