dreams that will never happen

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I have so many scenarios about us, we're sitting, walking, talking, laughing or just sitting in silence but they all had something in command... You're always smiling, we're always happy

I have too many scenarios with us together, but it brakes my heart thinking none of that will ever happen

You'll come over to my house in the middle of the night and you'd just sit with me holding me, we'd talk and laugh

From what I've over heard, you tell great stories. I dream of us sitting and you telling me stories all day, one day you'll be telling ur children stories of ur crazy youth.

My nightmare is hearing you talk about another girl, hearing you call her beautiful and yours.

I have to stop allowing myself to dream and fantasize about you I'm just setting myself up for heartbreak.

I've gotta stop feeling bad and weird about liking a boy younger than me, he's amazing, really cute, funny and easy to talk to, any girl could find herself liking him. He's easy to like.

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