Why can't i stop loving him

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He's imperfect which makes him perfect in my eyes, now I get the saying 'beauty is the eye of the beholder.'

Incapable should never be in his vocabulary, he's capable of amazing thing. I know one day I'll be hearing about him on TV getting another award for something he did.

I thought I was finally over you, but you're like cancer you can always come back.

I just can't get rid of you.
I thought my feelings for you were finally gone, but I guess I was wrong.
I keep getting in this cycle of you hurting me over and over again, what hurts the most is that you don't even know what your doing is hurting me.

I thought I was finally free, but my thoughts are still held captive by you. I didn't think you'd reply, but when you did I was trapped again.

I'm here waiting for you, for you to reply, to realize how hopelessly in love with you I am. But here I am again fooling myself into thinking I love you.

Your younger than me, your younger than my younger sister, I know your older sister, my friend was babysitting you, all of that bothers me. But still I can't help the way you make me feel.

What's funny is you don't know what you do to me, how you make me feel, the pain you cause me, the excitement that rushes through me when I think of you.

I'm always thinking about what I can do to make your day better, what I can do to make you happy, what I can do to make you smile. Do you ever want to make me smirk, laugh, anything.

You cause me so much pain, but you don't even know or notice.
I sit and cry silently at night so no one will hear.

I'd never want you to know what kind of power you hold over me.
I'm you're slave I'd do anything for you and you'd do nothing for me.

Even though you cause me some much pain, I'd do anything for you.

I can't help but want to bend over backwards and give myself to you.

If I was in love with you, it would be to the image of you I made up in my head. I don't know you, you're a stranger to me.

He's not perfect, but he's all I want.
Thanks for reading, sorry about the long wait.

I'll begin updating when I can, but it will be random.


Checkout my other books and I hope you liked this chapter!😘

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