my heart breaks thinking I'll never talk to you.

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When he cries I cry, when he smiles I smile. It's a circle I can't stop.

Your my baby, my headache, my love, my smile, my frown, my wrong, my right, my pain, my happiness, my everything(got from couplesfuture on insta)

No matter how much pain he causes me, I still come running back every time.

I'm afraid someone is going to make you happier than i can.
But I'd do anything to make you happy.

I'm jealous of the people who get to see you everyday.(Insta at aw.quotes)

I just want to run up to you, hug you and never let go(insta at emotionsquote.s)

What if you and I were meant to part ways only so we could find eachother, AGAIN (Insta at klaaroline)

I'm always tired, but never of you.(Insta at aw.quotes)

I could never get tired of him, if I'm having a bad day he flips this frown upside down.
I wish he didn't control my emotions like he does.

I don't understand my feelings for you, one day I love you and can't image my life without you, the next I want to be friends and I barely remember your name

When I see your smile, it makes me smile like an idiot and get weird looks.😐😅

Seeing him happy and making him happy, makes me happy.

It sucks watching someone lose interest in you, and have no control.

Before I met you, I never know what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason.(from Instagram aw.quotes )

I can deal with this pain as long as it means you'll stay in my life.

I hate losing people I care about, but what I hate more is seeing where we were and seeing how far apart we are now.

I miss you. I miss you more everyday.
I miss talking to you everyday. I miss seeing your face. I miss hearing your voice.
I just miss you
Thank you so much for reading.
Sorry for the long break between my last update.

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