Day 9

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We were all in the craft services tent. With DJ gone the food was what it normally is.

Shit. Bringing that mini fridge with me was the smartest move I ever made. I pulled some chips out of it before we came here. Duncan tried to take a bite of the slop but watched Harold’s reaction first. He spit it out “I really miss DJ’s cooking; it was as awesome as this is completely grossinating!” We all nodded in agreement.

“Yeah that's why I don’t take my chances with this so called food” I said. Duncan grabbed some of mine. “Did I allow you access?” I asked.

He smiled. “No, but as your boyfriend I feel I have automatic access” he said. I laughed pushing him a little “Asshole”

“You love it” he said. “I do” I said kissing him.

“I wish my boyfriend was here he’s such a great cook!" Beth said.

"Boyfriend? I don’t remember any talk of a boyfriend" Heather said.

"Oh yeah I have a boyfriend. I love my boyfriend, what didn’t I mention my boyfriend before?" Beth said using the word boyfriend every chance she got.

“You sure do like that word boyfriend. When did you two meet?" LeShawna asked.

“We met between TV seasons" Beth said.

"Wasn’t that only like two days?" Lindsay asked.

“Mhm we met at the orthodontist. He was getting his braces off at the same time as me. At first I wasn’t into him. But after the braces came off, look out! Such a cutie!" Beth said taking out a picture of this so called boyfriend. Most of us laughed. "So you have a boyfriend huh? Prove it" Heather said.

“Sure! I can tell you everything about him! He's six feet tall, has light brown hair, blue eyes, size ten shoe, thirty-two pant with a thirty-four inch in seam" Beth said.

"Wait a second!" Justin said grabbing the picture.

“These stats are all written on the back of this picture. I know a comp card when I see one because I’m a....Professional Male Model" Justin said as camera flashes went off.

“Yeah well, maybe he's a model too. Ever thought of that?" Beth asked taking the card back.

"No, no one ever thought of that." Duncan said dumping his ‘food’ into Harold’s bowl.

“Beth its cool if you’re just making this up, we’ve all had fantasy boyfriends” I said. “But most of us don’t take our fantasy’s this far” I whispered to Duncan.

“You've been chasing a boyfriend all this time when you have a honey back home?” LeShawna asked.

"Sure my boyfriends a model, but hes still just a guy, Justin's a SUPER model. I can’t help myself. Now that my braces are off it’s a whole new dating world" Beth said.

“Would you like a cookie or a medal for that?” I asked. She rolled her eyes.

“Bendy straws! These are just like the ones they had at the hospital where I had my kidney switched” Harold said taking one.

“Huh?” Owen said.

"I was born with a rare kidney condition, my left kidney was where the right one should be" Harold said. “Nasty” I said. “You had a surgical kidney swap?” LeShawna asked surprised.

“That’s right, I’m a rare case!" Harold said happily.

"You’re a rare case alright" Heather said.

"Whatever, I’m loading up" Harold said taking every bendy straw. Owen was scarfing down all of the disgusting food.

“I think Owens taste buds packed up and moved to France years ago" Heather said.

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