Return - Chapter 7

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A faint ringing noise echoed through your head as the voice continued.

"You have been asleep for the past 100 years."

As you and Link went to get a better look at the castle, you stumbled and fell as the ground gave a violent shake. Link managed to stay steady, and held out his hand to help you up. You took it gladly and you were pulled to your feet.

100 years?! You thought, shocked. There's no way. The voice has to be lying.

"The beast... When the beast regains it's true power, this world will reach it's end."
The castle started to be overcome by a menacing fog, the dark black and purple blending together to send shivers down your spine. Rising from it, a beast spiraled into the air, billowing the horrid fog all over the castle. It's yellow eyes gleamed with malice as it hovered over the castle and gave a thundering roar.

The yellow light from inside the castle flared brighter for a moment, and the beast desintegrated into thin air.

"You must hurry, heroes. Before it's too late."

And with that, the light faded from view, leaving your mind boggled. You turned to Link to see that he was just as confused as you were, his eyes troubled.

"What was that thing?" You ask, not really expecting an answer. "And... have we really been asleep for 100 years? We would be dead right? Who's that girl who's voice I keep hearing? Do-"

"I don't know." Link interrupts your flurry of questions. "I really don't know."

Silence falls between the two of you, as you both are lost for words. Finally, you spoke up.

"So... we're heroes? Are we supposed to... kill that beast thing? What kind of life did we live before? Were we able to do things like this before?" Your mind was flooded with questions, all hopelessly unanswered.

You and Link wordlessly climb down the tower, too shocked to make any form of conversation. When you reach the bottom, a shout comes from above. The old man sails down to the ground with a paraglider, greeting you two warmly. He glances up at the tower and then at the others that rose up in the distance curiously.

"My my, what a strange thing we have here. It seems that towers have erupted all over the land of Hyrule. It's almost as if some kind of power has just reawakened." He had a knowing look in his eyes, however to your frustration he didn't elaborate. He turns to you and Link.
"If you don't mind me asking, did anything strange happen up on that tower?" He questions.

You didn't know what strange thing he might be thinking of, so you just pick one.
"I heard a voice." You say. Link nods before adding, "I heard it as well. It was a female voice."

"Did you recognize this voice?" The old man asks, averting his eyes. You couldn't really tell, but you thought you saw pain deep in his gaze. When you and Link shake your head no, his face is expressionless again and he glanced back to you.
"I see. How unfortunate." He murmurs, before turning his gaze to the castle, pointing his lantern at it.
"I assume you saw that atrocity surrounding the castle." He said. "That is Calamity Ganon. It brought this beautiful kingdom of Hyrule to ruin 100 years ago."

You don't know why, but hearing the name 'Calamity Ganon' sent fear couring down your spine. You could tell Link was uneasy as well, however neither of you voiced your concern as the old man continued.

"It appeared so suddenly, Hyrule was not prepared for it's attack. So many innocent lives were lost. Hyrule Castle has managed to contain that evil, however time is running out. I must ask you, courageous one, do you intend to make your way to the castle?"

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