Chapter 3: Another Night, Another Day

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(Barbara got inside the house and calls out for Jim.)

Barbara: "Dad? Are you here?" (He looked around and saw a note on the fridge.)

Barbara: "Oh, he left a note." (She picks it up to read it and it has really nice handwriting.)

**Jim: "Babs, you're probably wondering where I am right now. I'm doing police work and it's very tiring. I wish I was home with you, but you know what officers say, duty calls. So, I bought you two frozen mini pizzas in case you get hungry tonight or later. I won't be home till late again. Make sure you get some good rest and I love you. -Your father." (Barbara smiled at the note.)

Barbara: "Two frozen pizzas, huh? But what kind of pizzas, dad?" (She took a peek in the fridge and saw pepperoni and regular cheese pizzas.)

Barbara: "Nice, my two favorite flavors. I'm eating the pepperoni first." (She took the pizza out of the box and took the plastic off. Then she grabbed a pizza pan, sets the bake timer and puts it in the oven.)

Barbara: "There, pizza's in oven." (She looked at the demo and it says Don't Blink on the front. Barbara puts it in her stereo and puts on her headphones. The music plays as she headbangs to the music. She was really enjoying it. When it was finished, the pizza was ready.)

Barbara: "Right on cue." (She walked back into the kitchen and got the pizza out the oven. She used a pizza cutter to cut the pizza however she wanted. Big squares and never triangles. Barbara got a plate and started to get two pieces of pepperoni and cheesy pizza. She went to the table and eats it. Suddenly her phone vibrated and she looked at her phone. It was Dick Grayson texting her.)

Dick: (Texted) "Hey, Barbara."

Barbara: (Texted) "Hey, Dick."

Dick: (Texted) "The cartoons are on channel 7. I'm watching it right now." (Barbara smiled and wiped her greasy fingers on a napkin.)

Barbara: (Texted) "Cool. I'm eating pizza right now."

Dick: (Texted) "Awesome. Is it good?"

Barbara: (Texted) "It's not better than the pizzeria. Their pizzas are fresh everyday."

Dick: (Texted) "I hear you. So, tomorrow is Friday and I was wondering if you would like to go see me perform my acrobatics in the circus at night."

Barbara: (Texted) "Ooh, I don't know. My dad is really busy at night and he expects me to be at home either sleeping or watching tv."

Dick: (Texted) "Aw, come on. My parents will be there and you get to see them for the first time. They're really great and plus you won't be home no later than 8:00 pm. Please?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Okay, but I'll have to ask my dad if I can go."

Dick: (Texted) "That's fine. When do you get home from college?"

Barbara: (Texted) "I'd say about 4:30 ish."

Dick: (Texted) "Perfect and the circus starts at 6:00. That's great. I'll see you then?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Dick: (Texted) "Okay. Can't wait to see you, Barbara."

Barbara: (Texted) "You know you can call me Babs. I won't mind at all."

Dick: (Texted) "O..Okay. 😁 Babs. I like that." (Barbara blushed and smiled.)

Barbara: (Texted) "Okay, bye."

Dick: (Texted) "Later." (Barbara puts away her phone and bit her lip.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Wow, he's so nice. I think I'm starting to like Dick Grayson and I can't wait to see him. Now, I think I should call Dinah." (She puts Dinah's number in her contacts and speed dialed it. The phone picked up and she answered.)

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