Chapter 20: Taking Back What's Yours

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(Barbara puts her leather jacket, pants and decoy boots away while sitting in her wheelchair. She then took off her yellow gloves and puts them in her underwear drawer. Ace laid down on her bed while Barbara took a breath and opened the door. She was surprised to see her dad come home.)

Barbara: "Dad!"

Jim: "Babs, oh my goodness! I'm so glad you're safe." (He went to her and hugged her.)

Barbara: "I heard saw what happened! You managed to get out and Batgirl released me!"

Jim: "I was so happy when she came to the rescue."

Barbara: "I was really worried that you didn't make it home."

Jim: "Well, I'm here, now. You don't have to worry anymore, but there was something familiar about Batgirl. Hm. Just can't quite think right now because of that damn hammer hitting my head." (Barbara thought about what she was going to say.)

Barbara: "Dad? There's something I have to tell you. I'm really..." (Jim's eyebrows shot upwards like yes? Then Barbara decided to change the subject.)

Barbara: "I'm a burger mood again."

Jim: "Yeah, same here. I heard that this new band is coming to the park tonight. Do you want to see them after we eat?"

Barbara: "Um, sure." (Jim nodded and smiled.)

Jim: "Okay, let's go." (He opened the door for Barbara.)

Barbara: "Hold on. I have to go wash my face and my hands. Don't want to go to the diner unsanitary, right?"

Jim: "You're right. I better do the same." (Barbara smiled and went into the bathroom to wash her face and hands. Then Barbara stared in the mirror.)

Barbara: "That was stupid of you, Babs. Why were you trying to tell your secret already? It's not the right time. Maybe, I shouldn't mention anything about it. Okay, keep your cool, Babs." (She took a breath and rolled out of the bathroom ready to go.)

Barbara: "Okay, dad. I'm ready." (Jim held the door open.)

Jim: "After you, my daughter."

Barbara: "Thanks, dad." (Jim helped her in the car and then puts the wheelchair in the trunk folded sideways. Jim started the car and drove off towards the diner. Few minutes later, Barbara and Jim were eating their food that they ordered.)

Jim: "How's your sandwich?"

Barbara: "Pretty good and your salad?"

Jim: "It's okay." (Barbara was worried about Jim.)

Barbara: "Dad, is everything okay?"

Jim: "Just can't stop thinking about that incident in that warehouse being captured and you as well? I couldn't call for backup because if I did, we would've been finished."

Barbara: "Luckily Batgirl was there to save our skins, dad. She really does care for us and for Gotham."

Jim: "Unlike Batman?"

Barbara: "Batman, too." (She bites into her sandwich and started chewing slowly.)

Jim: "So, what will you think about this concert in the park?"

Barbara: "To be honest, I don't know. I hope they'll be good since I heard what happened with Dinah and her band. I didn't think you listen to rock or heavy metal, dad."

Jim: "I really don't have much of a taste for it, but as long as you like it, I'm not complaining."

Barbara: "Cool." (Barbara stopped eating because she couldn't finish it. She took a deep breath.)

BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of BurnsideWhere stories live. Discover now