Hello !

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Hey kinkies!
We've reached 400+ followers ! You guys are awesome!

The book Duality was such a success, if you still don't know it, it's worth! It's all about Jungkook being submissive and BDSM stuff, yes, you'reading it right! You might like more than you think 😈😂.

However I got lot of requests to write a fic about Jungkook being dominant, then with the help of ma girl mayjungkookie I got a new plot (it's a collab) and we'll be sharing thoughts to build the best quality book for you!

I hope you enjoy it as much I will!

If you still don't know any other of my books:

•Hard Work - Tae Jimin Kook x You (Noona fic)

•Duality - Jungkook x You (Jungkook Submissive BDSM fic)

•Secrets - Jimin x You (Jimin dominant jerk fic)

•Dirty You - Yoongi x You (Yoongi grumpy dominant )

•unFORTUNATE - Tae x You (girl dealing with the struggle of getting her fist time and more fic )


I love you kinkies! 💖

(18+)Would you bear? - J.Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now