Chapter 1: The Entrance Exam

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

"Yeah, I'm staring at the building right now and it's HUGE!" Yinri said excitedly while talking to her little sister, Azusa on the phone. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there on your birthday, I didn't think the entrance exams would be today of all the days."

"Don't worry about it! I know how much this means to you. Plus, I have a birthday every year, so there's no need to be sorry!" Azusa shouted over the phone to Yinri, supporting her big sister.

Yinri wanted to be there for her 11th birthday, but unfortunately it ended up being the same day as the entrance exams, how ironic. She feels bad, but she can't dwell on it forever. Besides, Azusa's right, there's more birthdays to come. Ever since the bus ride this morning, they've been talking on the phone nonstop about the entrance exam. Azusa is Yinri's biggest supporter, along with her grandparents. Whenever she can, Yinri visits them once ever few months to check up on things, but she doesn't stay for very long. Before night rolls around, she leaves in fear that her demonic quirk would spiral out of control.

She walked closer to the building, in awe of its appearance, but intimidated at the same time "Azusa... I'm so nervous for today. What if I don't get in? What am I going to do?"

"Yinri, I know you'll pass for sure. I have faith in you! I wish I was there with you so I could cheer you on, but I'll be with you in spirit!" Azusa was so excited for Yinri, cheering her on through the phone.

Yinri, being close to tears, responded, "Thank you, Azusa... that means the world to me."

"Don't forget to call me back later and tell me how everything went!" Azusa shouted with glee.

"Don't worry, you're always going to be number one in my book." Yinri replied, feeling happy.

She inched closer and closer to the building, everything seemed like a dream to her in that moment, like none of it was real. Everything around her faded, and all she could focus on was the voice of Azusa and the U.A. building. After everything that's happened to her since she was 8, she only expects horrible things to happen to her. But today, she feels some good can and will happen. After having second thoughts on if she should even be there, Azusa picked her back up and pushed her to not give up.

Azusa tried to encourage her big sister, "I'll call you when we get your letter, Yinri. We all support you and we know you'll get accepted! Just remember to remain calm and breathe deeply if you feel you're getting angry."

Yinri snickered, "Will do. I'll chat with you later."


She hung up the phone. Instead of her normal attire, she had just enough money to buy a set of light gym wear: a blue tank top and teal thin sweat pants. It's not much, but she figured it'd be more doable than her casual wear. She felt like it would take forever to make it to the door of the seemingly large building, but she was extremely nervous and filled with anxiety. Almost everyone that passed her seemed confident and prestigious, then there's Yinri who feels as if she's the only one with little confidence in herself. She keeps going because of Azusa's confidence in her.

****Flashback to a year ago****

They snuck out of their grandparents house that night, Yinri fully aware of her demonic quirk, but keeping it under control. It's easier to keep it under control around Azusa. They wandered around the neighborhood and walked for miles in the forest behind a neighbors house. Yinri held Azusa's hand while they walked and walked, talking about everything they can. After hours of walking, they saw the end of the forest, but at the end was a cliff side high above the ground and the stars shining bright.

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