Chapter 19: So Emotional

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"Training will last for one week. Those with nominations will receive a personalized list, but you can only pick one. Those who don't will receive a list of 40 places working across the country, choose one from the list. Turn them in by the end of the week." Aizawa began walking out the room.

"What?! We only get two days?" Kirishima shouted.

"Yes, so if I were you I'd get started right away." Aizawa closed the door behind him, strolling out of the room.

During lunch, everyone began talking about where they were interested in going. Yinri had gotten better with her reading a while back. While she was searching for an office on her paper, one struck her as very familiar for some reason; the address did, at least. Shiga Corporation, eh? The address looks oddly familiar. I want to take a look at this.

She wrote down that agency name, and left it on Aizawa's desk. She shot up from her seat, grabbing her bag, and walked towards the door before being stopped by a voice, "Did you already choose your agency, Yinri?"

She turned, hearing the voice of Uraraka, "Yeah, I did."

"That's great!" She ran over to Yinri with a smile, but it turned to a concerned face when Yinri eyed the ground, "Hey, if you ever need to talk to anyone, I'll be here. And if I'm not here, I'm sure someone else will listen!"

Some of the students heard and agreed with Uraraka's gesture, Yinri gazed at the cheery girl with a warm heart, "Thank you... but I promise you, everything will be fine."

She turned and walked out the room without saying another word. She thought it'd be best to head on to Recovery Girl's office for the last time, for what she hopes to be a while. She walked in the room with eagerness.

"I'm glad to see you, Yinri. Now, let's get you fixed up one final time!" Recovery Girl reached for a couple of syringes.

The process lasted for almost an hour, and Yinri's left arm was as good as new. She was able to move it freely without it hurting.

"You should rest it for one day before using it again, but be careful. You haven't used it in over a month, so you're not used to using it. Take your time with it, and I'm sure you'll be capable of using it to your full potential."

"Right, thank you."

Yinri sat up from the chair, holding her left arm with her right hand, caressing it up and down. She trotted out of the room with confidence in her steps. This is going to be an interesting week...

*Time skip to the day of internships*

Everyone stood at the train station waiting to leave for their long week ahead. Aizawa sent them on their ways after he explained everything he needed to. Yinri snuck off before anyone could see her leave. A person she never expected, saw her, though.

"Hey, Yinri." She turned to face the half and half boy, unsure of what he would want to tell her.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He sounded concerned.

She faked a warm smile, hoping he wouldn't see through it, "Yes, I'm fine."

"You're easy to read, Yinri." He stated, seeing through her facade, "I know you probably don't care, but I've been worried about you ever since that incident. I can tell you're resenting the person who did this, I know all too well how that feels like, but you can't risk your life for revenge."

Yinri furrowed her brows and clenched her fists in agitation, she glared harshly at Todoroki, "Stop wasting your time on me and just leave. I can't have someone like you holding me back from my true purpose."

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