Chapter 14: A Newfound Worry

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After the dreaded Cavalry Battle ended, Yinri felt relieved. Everything went how she wanted it to, and now she gets to show off her new abilities she's picked up in the past month. I wonder who I'll be fighting against in the first round?

She skipped out of the arena to search for lunch. Or so she thought. At the right moment, she glanced around the see Todoroki and Midoriya turn a different direction and headed for a somewhat private spot to chat it seemed. Yinri was curious as to what was going on, considering the little hassle Todoroki caused earlier that day with Midoriya. She carefully trailed off to where no one would notice, finding another way to get in without being noticeable. She found another entrance, but to her surprise, noticed Bakugo standing on the side, listening in on their conversation. Are you serious?? Actually... why is he here to begin with? Why would he be curious? I wonder...

She already knew he would sense her presence, so she didn't bother to say anything out of fear that they would hear them. She tip toed beside of him, he pretended not to notice. She did the same with him. She slid down the wall, and crossed her legs, listening to the odd conversation going on a few feet away from her.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" Midoriya asked nervously, feeling a cold intimidation from Todoroki, "The mess hall will surely get crowded soon enough."

"When I'm in battle, I never use my left side, yet you managed to push that out of me somehow." He brought up his left hand and stared at it, "None of them felt it, that power of yours. Only I felt it in that moment."

Midoriya gulped, "W-What do y-you mean by t-that?"

Todoroki kept his eyes on his left hand, "I mean, I felt the same power from you as I felt from All Might. Midoriya tell me..." He pulled his hand back to his side and glared at him, "Are you All Might's secret love child or something?"

Yinri almost busted out in laughter, but covered her mouth before getting herself in trouble. I never would have thought I'd almost laugh from something Todoroki said... jeez, how unexpected.

Midoriya was incredibly baffled, "W-What?! No, you got it all wrong! Though, I doubt you'd believe me if I said no anyways, but I swear that's not it!" He calmed down his tone, "Actually, I want to ask you something. Why me?"

"The way you said "That's not it," Implies that you do have some sort of connection with All Might, something that you can't talk about. You must know about my father, Endeavor. He's been the no.2 hero forever now. If you're connected to the no.1 hero, then that means... all the more reason to beat you." He paused and looked off to the side, "He made a name for himself during his hero career firing on all cylinders. He knew he could never beat All Might on his own, so he came up with another plan."

"Todoroki, what's this about. Why are you telling me all this?" Midoriya asked, unsure of what his reasoning was.

"Have you heard of quirk marriages?" His words coming out with some pain through them, "They were a major problem during the second or third generation after quirks appeared. The stronger the individual is, they would have more of an advantage in choosing a partner for the sole purpose of passing on their quirks. Those earlier generations lacked ethics. With his wealth and fame, my father arranged to marry my mother, and made her family agree to it. All because he wanted to get his hands on her quirk. All he cares about is raising me as a hero who can exceed All Might, just to fulfill his own ambitions." Shoto was very cold with his words, "I hate it! Being used as a tool for that scum bag. I remember my mother crying, "I can't stand to see that left side of yours"... she said, after throwing scalding water in my face. I'm showing that bastard that I don't need to use his quirk. I'm going to show him that I can rise to the top without it."

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